Friday, May 31, 2019
god v satan :: essays research papers
The bible is one of the closely will known books in the public (manly because in that respect atomic number 18 a lot of cristons that fell it is necessary to tell as many people as possible). The bible has been translated and printed therefore and re-translated and re-printed for centuries from original langue. The bible was on the whole so written about 40 years after the events that it describes. The ferst part of the bible was written by James, half brother of Jesus (http// wrote it in the 40s or 50s (http// or Galatians written by Paul in the year 49. With all this it is very likely that something got fuse up in the translation. The bible has mixed signs and inconsistent that proves Satan was the god that was referd to in the bible. Satan set about to deceive everyone and lure them in to sin buy offering false redemptions.We all know god created the world in 7 days so we can use this as a gage for Gods for mula skills. The world is fare from being perfect, and really it has been big(p)ly designed. The land mass is bunched together in the northern hemisphere leaving some smaller ilandes alone manly water in the southern hemisphere. The magnetic feled of the earth is constantly moving the weather is all messed up. Still leaving some areas on the world heavily populated and others almost desert. Thins is obviously the result of poor planning and for an all-powerful god this is just negugins. Dose this mean God is a bad designer? No because refuses to show himself because that would take away the faith part of the Christianity faith.If you look at the stories in the bible like the story of Jesus (what most the bible is about) the cross he dies on is a great symbol just look at it, it have strong vertical and horizontal lines. These types of lines are carming, sturdy, reliable and if made big can be towering and thretning but because they cross in the middle it is also unsettling as your eyes follow the lines they relaxes and then the center that you came to focus on startles you. The cross is a will designed symbol.The Ten Commandments is another example of great designed. Ten the basus of the decimal system is a mentally satisfying number. If you look at the Ten Commandments you can see they are not all needed like Thou shalt not drop off and Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Tobacco Stuff :: essays research papers fc
The Tobacco Issue The Tobacco Issue Where the Responsibility Lies Political-Legal Issues The legal and political issues surrounding the tobacco effort include whether or non tobacco companies should be held liable for tobacco-related deaths of smokers and those related to second-hand smoke, as well as whether or not elected officials should be accepting money from the tobacco manufacture in order to win elections. When deciding where the responsibility lies in the case of tobacco, the facts can be turned to upgrade either side on the issue. However, the tobacco persistence has followed the governments guidelines, since guidelines have been established, while the government seems to want to place blame for peoples habits on the manufacturers of products that people choose to use.Tobacco Litigation The initiatory issue to examine is the issue surrounding the use of the judicial system in finding responsibility for the epidemic surrounding the tobacco industry. The tobacco indust ry is the defendant in the majority of cases brought before the judiciary and, historically, the majority of the cases have been decided in favor of the industry. In a landmark case in 1988, the tobacco industry won a huge victory against Rose Cipollone. Ms. Cipollone died a horribly painful death from cancer. The defendant in the case was Philip Morris. Philip Morris council argued that it was the cleaning ladys choice to smoke. This woman had even testified that she had gone to church every Sunday to pray that she would not get lung cancer. She knew the risks involved with smoking and chose to continue smoking. Philip Morris won the case. (Byrne, 189-190). For years the tobacco industry won case after case involving cancer victims that had smoked. Even today, much of the litigation by smokers has been decided in favor of the industry. In July of 1999 the Louisiana District Court, 19th District decided the case of Robert Gilboy et al. V. The American Tobacco Co., et al. in favor of the defense. The jury was not convinced that 45 years of smoking had caused Mr. Gilboys lung cancer. In the case of the Estate of Burl Butler, et al. V. Philip Morris, Inc., et al., the Jones County, Mississippi Circuit Court, 2nd District jury found the tobacco industry defendants not liable for the alleged second-hand smoke related wrongful death of Mr. Butler. This case was decided in June of 1999. An important win for the defense was gained in Kansas City, bit in May of 1999.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mary Leakey :: essays research papers
Though technically defined as an archaeologist, bloody shame chose to follow a route of provoke research relating to physical anthropology. She is known mostly for the excavation of a two million-year-old fossilized human skull in 1959. She has also worked to help the world understand that the development of humans follows a principle rather than a theory.The name Leakey is synonymous in most peoples minds with the successive dramatic discoveries of fossilized hominian bones and rocknroll artifacts that have, over the years, pushed the origins of true man further and further back in prehistory. Less flamboyant than her husband, Louis S. B. Leakey, or her son Richard Leakey, Mary Leakey was the "unsung hero, of the clan for years, even though she was, in fact, responsible for many of the spectacular Leakey finds, including the nearly complete skull of Zinjanthropus, which was at first thought to be the missing human evolutionary link. Mrs. Leakey ultimately received a measur e of long-overdue public recognition with her discovery, in 1978, of 3.5-million-year-old fossilized hominid footprints at Laetoli in Tanzania, proving beyond a doubt that the australopithecines had walked upright. On July 17, 1959 Mary Leakey made her second major discovery. Accompanied only by her two Dalmatians, Mary Leakey set off to investigate the oldest layer at the site. As she surveyed the moving-picture show with her practiced eye, a scrap of bone protruding from the ground caught her attention. Gently brushing aside some of the deposit, she saw two large hominid dentitioning in place in an upper jaw. Mrs. Leakey raced back to camp shouting, "Ive got him Ive got him" Using camels-hair brushes and dental picks, the Leakeys gingerly uncovered a full palate and set of teeth by sifting through tons of eroded scree, they eventually found about 400 bone fragments, which when pieced together formed an almost complete hominid skull, later dated at 1.75 million years, of the genus Zinjanthropus. Over the next few months, Mary Leakey found other hominid bones and 164 stone tools of twelve contrasting types, including choppers, scrapers, anvils, and hammerstones.As luck would have it, a camera crew for the British television series On Safari arrived on the scene the day after Mary Leakeys momentous find, and thus it was that "Zinj" came to international public attention. For the Leakeys, it meant worldwide recognition. Fame brought controversy, too, and it was not long before Louis Leakeys bold assertion that "Zinj" was the so-called "missing link" mingled with the primitive ape-men and Homo sapiens was proved to be incorrect.
Aspects of Marriage Present in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen :: Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Marriage Essays
Aspects of Marriage Present in Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenThere are lots of aspects of marriages in Jane Austens young Prideand Prejudice. There are marriages of love, convenience, physicalattr roleplayion and mercenary. The marriage amongst Mr. Wickham and Lydiais partly due to physical attraction and mercenary. The marriagebetween Elizabeth ad Mr. Darcy and Jane and Mr. Bingley are due tolove. The marriage between Mr. Collins and Charlotte Lucas is base onconvenience. The Marriage between Mr and Mrs Bennet is also due tophysical attraction.The novel was set in 1796 and was published in 1813. The Englandduring this accomplishment of time was far more division conscious. The maincharacters in this novel come from a class called gentry this is theclass above the emerging professional class and below aristocracy. Class was more to do with breeding than with wealth. Rules were setfor everything, rules for dressing, rules for travelling, rules orintroducing yourself to others and rules for behaving. In this periodof time women were not allowed to work. However they could becomegovernesses. They could not inherit wealth from their father, and theBennet sisters were no exception therefore Mr. Collins was their heirto Mr. Bennets property.The marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet was based on physicalattraction. You can see that they do not understand each other. Thereis a line of business between both of their character. Mr.Bennet isintellectual and likes to spend time reading in the library while Mrs.Bennet is loud, hasty and likes to spend her time gossiping and tryto finding husbands for her female childs. Mr. Bennet enjoys mocking hiswife I have respect for your nerves they are my old friends. Mr. andMrs Bennet also have different opinions and ideas of their daughtersfuture Your mother will never see your face if you do not marry Mr.Collins, and I will never see you again if you do. You can tell thatthis is a marriage based on physical attraction b ecause Mr. Bennetadvises his daughter not to make the same misidentify that he did mymarring Mrs. Bennet I know that you could be neither happy norrespectable to your husband, unless you truly esteemed your husband.My child, let me not have the ruefulness of seeing you unable to respectyou partner in life he is in a way hinting that he cannot respecthis wife. Mrs. Bennet is unaware of this as she dose not know herhusband very well. Mrs. Bennets character is very similar to thecharacter of Lydia. Both like officers and both act loud and hastily.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Why People Write? :: essays papers
Why People Write? People write for many reasons. They write to educate, , and to obligate to express their feelings of emotions of joy or sadness, also to preserve historyIn Maya Angelous story Graduation in Fields of Reading she teaches us rough racism in the south in the 1940s. Angelou writes about how schools in the south were segregated. Black students were deprived of resources to enable students to learn. While schools were endowed with all the resources needed for a prominent education. They were going to have the newest microscopes and chemistry equipment for their laboratory.1Not only does Maya Angelou write about lack of resources in the black schools she also writes that even after the students gradational that they merely going to be carpenter, athletes and entertainers.and our boys ( the girls werent even on it) would try to be Jesse Owensesand Joe Louises.2 Maya Angelou is not the only writer who wrote to educate her readers. Prince Modupe who wrote The Royal African , educated deal about his culture, his religion and how power among his people was passed down through women.Prince Modupe tells us about how his courage was tested by the elders by fighting with leopards. this is the way a youths courage was tested by the elders of the community.I am that youth whose courage was tested in hand to hand combat with a leopard.3Prince Modupe also duologue about how everything is passed down through the women from generation to generation. These things consisting of property, rights, and even the succession to the throne..Our nations system was matriarchal. Grandfather sat the throne because there was no female successor for the positioning in his mothers familydescended through women.4Another writer who writes to educate is Martin Luther world-beater. He writes about racism and about non-violence in the United States in the 1960s. King speaks of liberalism and neo-orthodoxy. King says that these two theories are inadequate. Man needs a reason as mu ch as he needs God. Liberalism was too sentimental concerning clement nature and that it leaned toward a false idealism. On the other hand he says that neo-orthodoxy fell as the mood of anti-rationalism and semi-fundamentalism , ( stressing a narrow biblicism).While I truism neo-orthodoxy as a helpful corrective for a sentimental liberalism,If liberalism was too optimisticneo-orthodoxy was too pessimistic. 5 People also write to entertain, whether it be a funny quote or a full comedy to
Why People Write? :: essays papers
Why People Write? People write for many reasons. They write to educate, , and to entertain to present their feelings of emotions of joy or sadness, also to preserve historyIn Maya Angelous story Graduation in Fields of Reading she teaches us almost(predicate) racism in the south in the 1940s. Angelou writes about how schools in the south were segregated. Black students were deprived of resources to enable students to learn. While schools were endowed with all the resources needed for a crowing education. They were going to have the newest microscopes and chemistry equipment for their laboratory.1Not only does Maya Angelou write about lack of resources in the black schools she also writes that even after the students graduated that they further going to be carpenter, athletes and entertainers.and our boys ( the girls werent even on it) would try to be Jesse Owensesand Joe Louises.2 Maya Angelou is not the only writer who wrote to educate her readers. Prince Modupe who wrote The Royal African, educated people about his culture, his religion and how power among his people was passed down through women.Prince Modupe tells us about how his resolution was tested by the elders by fighting with leopards. this is the way a youths courage was tested by the elders of the community.I am that youth whose courage was tested in hand to hand combat with a leopard.3Prince Modupe also talks about how everything is passed down through the women from generation to generation. These things consisting of property, rights, and even the succession to the throne..Our nations system was matriarchal. Grandfather sat the throne because there was no female successor for the office in his mothers familydescended through women.4Another writer who writes to educate is Martin Luther queen. He writes about racism and about non-violence in the United States in the 1960s. King speaks of liberalism and neo-orthodoxy. King says that these two theories are inadequate. Man needs a reason as m uch as he needs God. Liberalism was too sentimental concerning human nature and that it leaned toward a false idealism. On the other hand he says that neo-orthodoxy fell as the mood of anti-rationalism and semi-fundamentalism , ( stressing a narrow biblicism).While I saw neo-orthodoxy as a helpful corrective for a sentimental liberalism,If liberalism was too optimisticneo-orthodoxy was too pessimistic. 5 People also write to entertain, whether it be a unmatched quote or a full comedy to
Monday, May 27, 2019
Riots- Rough notes
Riots were a series of riots, lootings, arson and gracious disturbances that occurred in Los Angels on April twenty-ninth 1992, lasting 6 days through to May 5th. They were triggered by the acquittal of practice of law officers in a trial regarding a videotaped police brutality incident. 4 police officers were caught on amateur video beating an unarmed African- American motorist-Rodney King. The case was taken to trial and the four (white police officers) were acquitted of any ravish doing (by a 12 person Jury 10 whites and no African Americans).The Rodney King Incident TLD only trigger the most destructive US visit disturbance f the 20th century It created outrage In the press and It triggered a national debate on police brutality. In one counselling the riots did what hip hop had been trying to do for years, particularly since 1 988 with the birth of gangs rap agnize the America which existed outside of the Ghettos see what was really going on.According to the calcium Econom ic Development Department between April 1 992 and April 1 992 108,00 local Jobs vanished- Black and Latino communities were hard hit with a combined 29. 7 % in poverty and more than 13% unemployed. In depressed South Central only 45% of African-American males were employed African-Americans have by far the net rate of two-parent families in Southern California Gangs are never going to die out. You all going to get us Jobs? 016-year-old Grape Street Crisp -quoted In microphone Davis (historian) book City of Quartz Bloods and Crisp are the two mall gangs In LA at the time Black gangs Bloods (Red) Crisp (Blue) very territorial, pathway violence, drive by shootings, violent nature, Influenced youth local youth were bored with nothing to do drugs, guns, cars etc the local demographic leading up to and during the riots was ripe for civil unrest Juvenile and adult arrest rates- analyzing this source reliable, police released these were angry and acting out, there was no doubt that there was a violent criminal offense nature brewing in LA What we have is tribe sick of the police and thats when you have a revolution in your hands -Ice Cube why were people sick of the police ? People were angry with the actions they took in order to deal with gang violence in LA one of the main factors in the growing anger amongst communities particular black and Latino ones was the constant racial profiling and targeting of black and Hispanic youths ? by the LAPPED. Operation Hammer for example was an orifice employed by the LAPPED in order to crack down on gang violence. Their aim was to arrest and incarcerate suspected gang members before they could pass on a crime. What this objective led to was mass arrests of youths becoming common and as a consequence a large number of those arrested were never charged ? loss many personally victimized by the police force ? greater number of hostility towards the police. *Complaints against police brutality increased by 33% in the period of 1984 and 1989 but only 1% of those complaints were ever followed up.In 1982 for example following a rash of LAPPED chuckhole killings of young black men in clutch Chief Gates advanced the theory that the deaths were the faults of the victims racial anatomy and not excessive police force and I quote We may be purpose that in some Blacks when the chuckhole is applied the veins or arteries do not open up as fast as they do on pattern people. Many statements like these were constantly made in the media e. G Tonight we pick me up for anything and everything. OLAP spokesman (9 April 1988) l think people believe that the only scheme we have is to put a lot of police officers n the way and harass people and make arrests for inconsequential kinds of things. Well, thats part of the strategy, no question active it. Chief Gate The use of the phrases normal people, tonight we pick them up for anything, Harass people etc is inflammatory in a society which is already deeply affected by is sues of poverty, lack of education, lack of Jobs, broken families and prejudice. White perspective ? the general perspective of the white community LA TIMES convey you very much for the interview with Police Chief Daryl Gates and County Sheriff Sherman Block. You gave them a fair chance to explain crime and gangs. Much too often the media make these two important law-enforcement gentlemen out as being callous and insensitive to the communitys needs. Fortunately, we got to see the real side to these heroes who are trying to protect us as best they can. JASON M.NONSOCIAL Glendale proud of the policing strategies they implemented saw the gang culture as an epidemic Chief Gates saw the Rodney King verdict as molest because the police officers stepped out of line but in an interview still tried to defend them, giving them Monnet to beating Rodney King up Sick and hackneyed of gang bangers ( to put it simply) Saw gangs rap as a threat to the youth they wanted to shut them up Worked with the government and publicly criticized groups like N. W. A tried to arrest as many as they could they were scared of the hood they believed that there were a few corrupt individuals in the LAPPED but the whole LAPPED wasnt subvert but why and what was the effect ?The police perspective generally was a reaction to what the community were saying and feeling (white particularly and sometimes other aces), people were scared to sit on dining tables in case they would get shot. While it gave a sense of protection (protect and serve) to some move of the communities, others felt victims, the LAPPED insisted they were not racist, Just careful. The perspective of black youths was represented through the art form of gangs rap ? a voice for the voiceless. Police brutality is all the way a common theme throughout many gangs rap lines, the actions of police led to a lot of resentment towards police as seen in the song photograph that Police ?Analyses a few lyrics from songs and family detac hment.Buck that police ? first indicator of low education -derogatory label is used on themselves- maybe thats the point (Amiga) -constant references to the police ? the broken relationship between the communities and police Authority to kill a minority ? not literally kill but destroy the foundations of their culture (police brutality ? people are angry) -the whole last part of the song links back to Operation Hammer ? why it made people angry (searching people because they were black, prejudices etc) Buck that police in particular was the theme song for the riots as the lyrics spoke to he people-resonating with what they were feeling Gangs rap artists like Ice- T and NNW, saw themselves as street reporters most of the situations in their rap is secondary accounts of things, personae taken on and its hardly personal situations It neither glorifies nor says its k for these things to be happening but then from a black perspective- is what the LAPPED doing k ?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Blue Ocean Strategy Essay
Businesses are al federal agencys striving to be the better contenders than their competitors. Different theories take a shit been thrown out to see which the best one would be. The Blue Ocean Strategy theory says that companies would be better looking for rooms in which they argue against themselves and that is all. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne wrote a book called Blue Ocean Strategy. There is a term called Red Ocean which consists of businesses are viciously fighting against each early(a) for their place in the specific marketplace. These two authors then came up with the idea of the Blue Ocean Strategy where organizations are able to find a way to work in the marketplace that isnt bloodied by the competition and is free of competitors.The Blue Ocean Strategy is based where a study of 150 strategic moves spanning over 30 different industries. In the book, the authors argue that leading companies result succeed not by battling competitors, save by steadily creating blue oce ans of accepted market space ripe for growth. The strategy is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and utter cost, with the theory behind it not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition unrelated.Toyota Motor Corporation has moved from being a process innovation to becoming a product innovator thanks to its Value Innovation Strategy. Value Innovation is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost, creating a leap in value for both buyers and the company. Because value to buyers comes from the offerings utility minus its toll, and because value to the company is generated from the offerings price minus its cost, value innovation is achieved only when the whole system of utility, price, and cost is aligned.A Red Ocean Strategy is a strategy which is aims to fight and lave thecompetition. In this case Toyota would mainly be focusing on their competitors and what their competitors are doing and how their company would be able to be first in that specific railroad car industry. A Red Ocean Strategy ultimately leads to an organization choosing to follow one of two strategies differentiation or low cost. Whichever is chosen the organization must(prenominal) align all activities with one of these strategic directions. Companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand, usually through marginal changes in offering level and price. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities, and cut-throat competition turns the red ocean bloody.No matter what conclusion a company makes there will still be competition for business. Now a day no matter what industry you are in there will always be strong competition. For the industry that I am in there so much competition and so legion(predicate) companies that do the same thing. Although we clearly want all the business that just does not happen. Even though our industry is so large everyone knows each otherwise where we are able to co-market and help each other out.A good friend of mine is a competitor of my company, he has been in the industry way longer than I have and he told me that he would love to help me out. One of the things that he told me was I will help out and there will always be insurance agents that will use different people but as long as we stay on the rotation propensity then it is all good. It is important for me to gain the relationships and really keep my names and face out there that way clients will know me and eventually I can get a good job out of it. If you stay competitive and not bite the heads off of your competitors you should be ok that way everything stays clean and not messy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Agent Banking for Bangladesh
VOL 20 NO 157 REGD NO DA 1589 Dhaka, Thursday, March 28 2013 http//www. fe-bd. com/index. php? ref=MjBfMDNfMjhfMTNfMV85Ml8xNjQ1NzA= Bangladesh depone building mulls promoter banking for fiscal inclusionM S Siddiqui Agent banking is a financial service offered to customers by a third party on behalf of a financial trigger (FI). An agentive role is an entity that is engaged by an FI to provide specific financial work on its behalf using the agents premises.It is an additional delivery channel that merchantman enhance the convenience, the outreach of caliber and affordable financial services, particularly to the underserved, in a more personify-efficient manner. Such an ar targetment is a cheaper way for FIs to reach out to the underserved population. The use of the bourne agent is not necessarily a reference to an agent in the traditional legal sense of a party authorised by a principal(prenominal) to act on the principals behalf and for whom the principal is conceivabl e with respect to activities taken by the agent within the scope of its agency relationship or contract.An agent is every third party acting on behalf of a bank, whether pursuant to an agency agreement, service agreement, or other similar arrangement. In most countries, the principal banker is liable under a law for the actions of its agents, whether much(prenominal) actions are explicitly or implicitly authorised. Liability for the actions of a non-agent entity acting on behalf of the bank whitethorn be different and lead often depend on the contractual agreement.However, a banks financial obligation (whether by law or contract) for third-party actors will likely impact the banks policies and procedures, which will in turn impact the supervisers oversight of the bank. The Bangladesh Bank has m either recent projects for inclusive financial packages to reach out to non-bankable citizens. Achieving financial inclusion therefore requires groundbreaking duty models that dramatic e ithery reduce costs for everyone and thus pave the way for profitable extension of financial services to the poor citizens. A major barricade to financial inclusion is he cost-not only the cost incurred by banks in servicing low value accounts and extending banking infrastructure to underserved, low-income areas, but also the cost incurred by poor customers, in terms of time and expense in reaching bank branches. The banking agent method emphasises greater efforts towards achieving the vision of an inclusive financial agreement that best serves all members of society, including the underserved, to take up access and usage of quality and affordable essential financial services. FIs do-nothing reach an additional client segment or a geographical area.Reaching poor clients in rural areas is often prohibitively expensive for financial institutions, since transaction numbers and volumes do not cover the cost of a branch. In much(prenominal) environments banking agents use their exis ting retail infrastructure. Lower set-up and running cost can play a vital role in offering many low income people their first time access to a range of financial services. Also, low income clients often feel more homely banking at their local store than walking into a marble branch. The clients benefit from the agents banks with lower transaction cost and service, but closer to the clients home.Bankable persons visit stores anyway for groceries all the day, enjoy services with a low-downer crowd than in branches. Globally, retailers and post offices are increasingly utilised as important distribution channels for financial institutions. The points of service range from post offices in the outback of Australia where clients from all banks can conduct their transactions, to rural France where the bank Credit Agricole uses corner stores to provide financial services, to small lottery outlets in Brazil at which clients can receive their social leavements and access their bank accoun ts.It has been used very well in Latin the States and Asia. on that point are few African countries that have taken up agency banking. Cheaper to operate It has been found in research that agent banking systems are up to three times cheaper to operate than branches for two reasons. First, agent banking minimises fixed costs by leveraging existing retail outlets and reducing the need for financial agent banks to invest in their own infrastructure. Second, acquisition costs are lower for bank-enabled agents and bank wallets.The advancement in information and communication technology (ICT) has brought with it the tremendous alteration in the banking industry. Currently, agent banking is an integral part of modern banking in many countries. Banks in Bangladesh are offering services for conveyance of title of money from overseas to any remote area of the country. The payment of different utility bills through mobile bank outlets is very common. The agent banking will provide much more services to the clients.Whether a client accesses his bank account at the agents outlet or in a branch or at an ATM does not demonstrate any difference. Technology can enable banks and their customers to interact remotely in a trusted way through the existing local retail outlets. guests can be issued bank cards with appropriate personal identification number (PIN)-based or biometric security features and the local store-the banking agent can be equipped with a point of service (POS) device controlled by and connected to the bank using a phone line or wireless or satellite technology.Infrastructure requirements can be further reduced by using mobile phones both to hold virtual cards for customers and as a POS device at the store. Responsibilities of agents The agents have many responsibilities. Such responsibilities include * apply diligence in validating a customers identity and transactions to avoid entering into fraudulent transactions or dealing with fraudsters * carry on a transaction record book, being evidence of every transaction undertaken in the specified format or in such a manner as required by the bank.The transaction record book should be the property of the bank and be returned to the bank by the agent upon termination of the contract or when it is fully completed before issuance of a new transaction record book * comply with the banks Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-money Laundering/Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements and/or laws or other regulations in force * keep details of customers or customer transactions confidential * maintain their connectivity with the internet in order to gain access to the web agent portal provide sufficient cash for the location offering cash laden and payout services * comply with the central bank regulations, where the online web portal is in use * display merchandising materials provided at their location * ensure employees are accomplished by the bank on agency operations. Banks als o have to ensure that agents, as extensions of the banking system, are able to provide professional customer service, keep records, share cash, and manage liquidity. As a result, one of the primary questions regulators grapple with is who can act as an agent.BBs initiatives The ongoing global expansion of high-tech telecommunications infrastructure, coupled with the increase availability of advanced information technology services, is having an impact on almost every industry, including banking. The Bangladesh Bank (BB) plans allowing agent banking to gear up further its drive for financial inclusion aiming to help the government achieve sustainable economic growth. The BB has already laid the required foundation for agent banking by introducing mobile banking that has already got a good response, especially from rural people.Currently, eight banks are providing mobile banking services involving the countrys major mobile phone operators. Many countries permit a wide range of indiv iduals and legal entities to be agents for banks. Other countries limit the list of eligible agents on the basis of a legal form. For example, India permits a wide variety of eligible agents, such as certain nonprofits, post offices, some shop owners, retired teachers and most recently, profit companies including mobile network operators (MNOs).Explicitly excluded, however, are the largest microfinance institutions (MFIs) registered as non-bank finance companies (NBFCs). Kenya takes a different approach, requiring agents to be for-profit actors and disallowing non-profit entities (like non-governmental organisations (NGOs), educational institutions, and faith-based organisations). In another example, Brazil permits any legal entity to act as an agent, but prevents individuals from doing so. The issue of obligation There is the delicate issue of obligation of any mistake or misappropriation.Imposing liability on banks for acts of their agents is often the key factor in giving banke rs the comfort require to permit the use of agents. There is a point of imposing liability on banks for agents non-compliance with bankers requirements. Imposing liability on banks for acts of their agents is often the key factor in giving banks the comfort needed to permit the use of agents. The bank liability for agents noncompliance forces the agents to ensure professional agent behaviour and agents compliance with agreed norms and rules issued by central bank.All countries that permit bank agents also impose bank liability for these agents. Brazil, a country with perhaps the most widespread use of banking agents, requires banks to be fully responsible for services rendered by its agents. Similarly, India requires that all agreements/contracts with the customer shall clearly specify that the bank is responsible to the customers for the agents acts of omission and commission. Interestingly, Pakistan imposes bank liability but states that the bank may take steps it deems necessar y to safeguard itself against liabilities arising out of the actions of its agents?. This clause suggests that banks should enter into indemnification agreements with their agents-a protection that could steer banks toward large and well-capitalised agents capable of indemnifying the bank while forgoing agent relationships with smaller retailers who may nevertheless be better positioned to serve the low-income population segments. However, despite the widespread imposition of liability for agents acts, financial inclusion goals would benefit from limiting the provider liability to those actions or omissions related to the provision of financial services.A failure to do so potentially increases costs of the financial services provider who may have to pay damages for agents actions unrelated to the purpose of the agency. These costs could have a market chilling effect, negatively impacting not only on the emergence of viable business models but also the ease and speed by which such mo dels reach a certain scale. Some countries more clearly limit the extent of liability to the financial services provided. For example, Kenyas banking agent guidelines impose liability on banks for agents actions, even if not authorised in the agency contract.The service accuse of an agent is a matter of concern. Nearly all countries prohibit the agent from charging customers directly for agent services, and some countries even restrict how much a bank can charge customers for agent transactions. Such well meaning regulations, aimed at protecting customers from excessive fees, can endanger the spread of branchless banking models, if they leave participants unable to make an unexceptionable return in light of the unique challenges and costs of reaching the poor.According to the BB plan, the agent could be an employee of bank who would offer people banking services including deposit and withdrawal of cash, transfer of fund, bill payment and the receipt of remittance, salary and gover nment benefits. We would wait with interest for the BB rules on bank agency, particularly the list of eligible agents, the liability of errors and omission of agents. The generator is pursuing PhD at Open University, Malaysia emailprotected com
Friday, May 24, 2019
Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas & the Four Actions Framework Essay
Applying the Blue Ocean Approach December 3, 2012 Problem Statement B-cycle charges an annual fee in range of $50-100 for membership thereby making its offering uncompetitive against mass roulette wheel merchandizers like Wal-Mart and Target who sell bikes at highly discounted and cheap prices. compendium Plan/Data Used/Key Assumptions Analysis Plan We will use the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas & the Four Actions Framework to rate steps B-Cycle needs to take to stay ahead of its red ocean bike dealership competitor. Key Assumptions1. Purchasing a bicycle is a discretional spend 2. There is a strong market for cheaper substitutes to owning a bicycle Data 1. B-Cycle charges an annual fee in range of $50-100 (Source B-Cycle website) for its membership while its employ fee is relatively cheaper in range of $5 for 24 hours to $15 for 7-day rental2. Mass merchandizers like Wal-Mart & Target dominate Bicycle Dealership & retail industry, which is a $6.1 billion industry, with 75% market s hare (Source IBIS Industry Report)3. A mass merchandizer like Wal-Mart sells a comfort & cruiser bike at a starting price of $69-884. B-cycle charges fees up to $1200 for red ink and damage to its bike (Source B-cycle website) Data Analysis & Conclusions B-cycle annual membership fee is at same price draw as the retail price of a comfort or cruiser bike sold by WalMart which makes buying a bike a more(prenominal) tempting proposition as opposed to renting a bike.B-Cycle does not offer liability protection for bike damage and customers could end up remunerative up to $1200 in damage fees which makes it very expensive proposition compared to owning ones bike. In order for B-Cycle offering to compete effectively against mass merchandizing bicycle dealership like Wal-Mart, B-Cycle should make its price proposition more attractive for customers so they can rent a bike as opposed to buying a bike.Recommendations to Management Eliminate Membership Fees. Create a loyalty program for its members that rewards members based on usage. Reduce customer liabilities against damage or loss of a bike by offering protection program. Increase locations across the country to gain footprint and market share in the bike rental segment.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Aggression & Biological explanations
The demand to understand aggression over the years has continued to intensify as it remains the central author for broken families and relationships, societal conflicts and most importantly the major cause of incarceration for people in all age groups.Though some scholars have concluded that biologic causes of aggression, the ability to address it by changing things in the environ manpowert at different levels of growth and develop manpowert makes it to be more psychological.However, it is the findings from many scholars that men atomic number 18 more vulturous than women which that has resulted to a more heated debate. Joel et al (2010) found that women suffered about 65% of the total domestic violence.Aggression is any action or look by members of the same community that is intended to instill pain or cause harm to a specified target for instance murder, domestic violence, manslaughter, and exacerbate assault. It from this consideration that this evaluation intrinsically anal yzes aggression and why men are more offensive compared to women.Biological explanations(a) Variation in libido levelsAccording to Yvonne et al (2010), an individuals actions jackpot be traced from his respective genetic constitutions of chemicals that command them. In this case, aggression arises from stimulation of these chemicals and their relation to respective environments.Biologically, mens higher levels of aggression can be understood from two different perspectives. First the psychodynamic theory by Sigmund Freud considers behavior as a derivative and motivated by sexual and libido energies.Aggression is therefore a libido representation as exemplified by the Oedipus complex. With mens libido being relatively higher compared to women as Rhiannon ands Crisp (2010) explain, their aggressiveness is equally higher. At childhood level, a male child of about five years develops strong sexual desires to his mother after realization that she is the provider of food.Notably, this innate desire to associate with the mother makes the boy to develop and display aggressive behavior towards the father who is considered an immediate rival. For the girls, they seek to associate more with their fathers from penis envy before they are able to dismiss the conflict. Though Yvonne et al (2010) differ with Society for Neuroscience (2007) on libido extent in causing aggressive behavior, they emphasize that boys often take longer and their aggression is plain from a broader perspective (in school and community) compared to girls.Report by Sigelman and Rider (2008) indicate that boys and girls exhibit aggression in about 10% and 6% of their varied social behaviors respectively.(b) evolutionary explanationsBuss (2005) consideration presents aggression as a factor of an individuals chemical constitution and heredity effects. Over the years different genes are passed mastered through generations to facilitate their survival in the community. Similar to non-human organisms where staminates fight for mating preferences and food, men equally seek to control their dominance in the community and institutions.Following the male dominance in most of the top executive positions, their aggression is projected at protecting themselves, their progenies and even relatives an aspect that soon turns into a cycle with plainly one family or region being in leadership or management. Notably, this consideration has however received major criticism as emerging scholars citation environmental factors as the main cause of aggression.Neurotransmitter chemicals differences in men and women determine the levels of aggression in them. Society for Neuroscience (2007) indicates that serotonin, a major neurotransmitter messenger, in ordinary levels as it mostly happens with women, have a calming effect. However, men largely have a major deficiency of serotonin which has been linked to greater aggression levels.However, these results protrude to contradict previous findings by Garandeau and Cillessen (2006) which indicated that serotonin causes aggression when in higher levels. . Yvonne et al (2010) findings are further supported by Buss (2005) who indicates that serotonin is apply in treating aggressive behavior. conflicting other causes of aggression which appear to be controversial in causing aggression in people, high levels of the testosterone (male sex hormone) in men compared to women is a major cause of their aggressive behavior.Rhiannon ands Crisp (2010) explain that in a jail with males of violent crimes, their levels of testosterone was found to be higher compared to those without criminal record. Unlike women, mens testosterone levels easily rise at slightest provocation to make them easily get involved in different crimes.Therefore, though testosterone among men is generally high compared to women, it requires an effective precursor situation for one to be involved in aggression activity.Psychological underpinnings(a) Social learningIn h is view which appears to partially support biological causes of aggression, sulphur and Georgina (2007) postulate that psychological considerations have more weight. Naturally, people are subjected to differing environments which mould how they react to various situations.According to Albert Banduras social learning theory, when people are subjected to aggressive environments, they internalize and latter practice touchd actions (Hines and Saudino, 2003). In his experiment with children on aggressive and non-aggressive dolls, Bandura found that related aggression and non-aggressiveness was effectively replicated. However, why are men more aggressive than women?From a cultural perspective, South and Georgina (2007) argues that men are expected to be handy and therefore often subject themselves to key aggressive events. For instance, more boys often prefer hostile computer games as girls prefer working with dolls. South and Georgina (2007) adds that as men grow up, they often seek to relate with more aggressive systems as they consider them to be useful in defending themselves and their families.For instance, men will always seek to build up their boy muscles, train in defense skills and also watch hostile media which could easily result to aggression. As indicated earlier, internalization of these violent actions creates a series of constant feedbacks reflected in their behavior as aggression.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Osmosis and Diffusion Essay
The basic principles of Osmosis and Diffusion were tested and examined in this lab. We examined the pct increase of quid and molarity of different submergings of saccharose in the dialysis foot emerged in distilled body of pissing supply and the potato cores emerged in concentrations of sucrose. The data reinforces the principles of Osmosis and Diffusion, and in a biological context, we can simulate how water and particles touch in and out of our admit cells. IntroductionObjective1. Investigate the process of osmosis and diffusion in a model of a membrane system.2. Investigate the effect of solute concentration on water probable as it relates to living plant tissue. Background In make waterationMolecules are in constant motion they tend to move from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration. This large principle is divided into two categories diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This is considered a passive form of transportation because it does not require any additional energy to transport the molecules. In the body, carbon dioxide and oxygen can diffuse across cell membranes.Osmosis is a special type of diffusion where water moves through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential. In our body, water diffuses across cell membranes through osmosis. Water potential is the measure of free energy of water in a tooth root and is shown with the use of the symbol . Water potential is affected by two factors osmotic potential () and pressure potential (p). Osmotic potential is dependent on the solute concentration, and pressure potential which is the energy that forms from exertion of pressure either positive or negative on a solution. The equation to distinguish the sum of water potential is Water Potential = Pressure Potential + Osmotic Potentialw = p + The purpose of this lab is to observe the corporal effects of osmosis and diffusion and to determine if it actually takes place. We hypothesize that, because molecules diffuse down a concentration gradient, the mass of the dialysis tubes leading increase, and we believe that as the molarity increases, the percent of change in mass will also increase. HypothesisDiffusion and osmosis will occur until dynamic equilibrium is reached. As the sucrose concentration of the solution increases so will the mass. MaterialsExercise 11. 6 strips of dialysis tubing2. Distilled water 15-20ml3. 0.4 M sucrose 15-20ml4. 0.8 M sucrose 15-20ml5. 0.2 M sucrose 15-20ml6. 0.6 M sucrose 15-20ml7. 1.0 M sucrose 15-20ml8. 6 BeakersExercise 21. 100ml of distilled water2. 100ml of 0.4 M sucrose3. 100ml of 0.8 M sucrose4. 100ml of 0.2 M sucrose5. 100ml of 0.6 M sucrose6. 100ml of 1.0 M sucrose7. 6 Beakers8. Potato slices (4 for each solution)9. Scale10. Plastic wrap11. ThermometerMethodsExercise 11. Obtain 6 strips of dial ysis tubing and tie a sweep up in one end of each. 2.Pour approximately 15-20ml of each of the following solutions into separate bags. 3. Remove most of the air from the bag and tie the baggie.4. Rinse the baggie guardedly in distilled water to send off any sucrose that may have spilled and carefully blot.5. Record the mass of each baggie and record.6. Fill six 250ml beakers 2/3 full with distilled water and place a bag in each of them. Make sure that you record which baggie is which.7. Let the bag sit for 20-30 minutes.8. After 20-30 minutes, remove baggies from the water, and carefully blot dry.9. Measure the mass of each baggie and record.Exercise 21. Pour 100ml of your assigned solution into a beaker. Slice a potato into 4 equal lengths about the shape of French fries or tubes. 2. Determine the mass of the 4 potato cylinders together and record. 3. Place the cylinders into the beaker with your assigned solutions and cover with pliable wrap. Leave overnight. 4. Remove the cyl inders from the beakers and carefully dry them. Record the room temperature in Celsius. 5. Determine the mass of the 4 potato cylinders together and record.From these results, it can be cogitate that the hypothesis is justified and correct. The data shows that the mass increased as the concentration of the sucrose solution increased. Osmosis is clearly being replicated in the sensible form. Analysis miscellany in mass depends on the concentration of sucrose within the dialysis bags. If the concentration of sucrose is greater inside the bag than outside, then water will move into the bag. If the concentration of sucrose is lower inside the bag than outside, then water will move out of the bag. These two things are directly proportional. As the mass increases, so does the molarity. These are inversely proportional because whenever the sucrose molarity inside the bag is more concentrated, it will become more dilute and vise versa. The solutions will reach equilibrium somewhere betwee n the two concentrations.The hypothesis is accepted based on the data that was obtained because as the sucrose concentration increased so did the final mass of the solutions. One possible source of error could be the tightness of the string that tied off the dialysis tubing. If there was a leak or a break in the dialysis tubing, all of the data would be off. Another possible source of error could be that the students did not pat dry the potato sample well enough causing drops to be left on the electronic balance, tarring it incorrectly, causing all other data to be off slightly. fair mathematical errors always occur, so there is always room for simple algebraic mistakes in this section of the lab.ConclusionThe purpose of this lab was to describe the physical mechanism of osmosis and diffusion and describe how molar concentration affects diffusion. We havenow observed how solutions diffuse in different situations, always from a high concentration to a low concentration, and how mola r concentration affect diffusion, as the molarity goes up, more solution is diffused. We hypothesized that because molecules diffuse down a concentration gradient, the mass of the dialysis tubes will increase, and also that as the molarity increases, the percent of change in mass will also increase. Our data did support our conclusion.Exercise 1 proved that water moves across the selectively permeable membrane of the dialysis tubing much easier than sucrose sugar does. The water moved to reach equilibrium between the solutions. Sucrose must(prenominal) be too large a molecule to pass through the membrane quickly. Exercise 2 showed that the potato samples took in water when immersed in a distilled water solution. Potatoes must contain sucrose molecules due to the conclusion of this lab because the potatoes take in water in the distilled water beaker. Potatoes had a lower water potential and higher solute potential than the distilled water. It is just the opposite inside the beaker.W orks CitedPHSchool The Biology Place. Prentice Hall Bridge Page. Pearson Education, June 2007. Web. 12 Sept.2011. Moulton, Glen E. Cell Theory, Form, and Function changeable Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure and Function Infoplease Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. http// Bowen, R. (2000, July 2). Osmosis. Retrieved February 14, 2009, from http// Sheppard, T. (2004). Diffusion and Osmosis. Retrieved February 14, 2009, from http// Campbell, N. A., & Reece, J. B. (2005). Biology (7th ed.). New York Pearson Education Inc.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Junking the Junk Food Essay
In this article the author is trying to show us how our country has become very proinflammatory nation. Warner believes that to end the obesity in the country the government needs to be involved. They should make healthy food more appealing while making the fling food less appealing. There are a lot of multitude whom are worrying and trying to smorgasbord the charge majority of American people eat. Because almost 40% of American people are fat, and that because the way they eat. Lot of politicians are trying to send their message to the public and trying to make them pass that fast food is bad for them and eating healthy is good. Personally I dont think that government can force somebody to mixture the way they eat. The only way or the only solution is changing our culture, because most of the people think eating burgers and fries everyday is normal, thats their culture. simply the day that we change that cerebration and the day that we start thinking that eating healthy (f ruits, vegetables) everyday is a normal, than we are going to have a assorted culture, and totally different America. 400 Warner identifies how politician Sarah Palin recently made an appearance in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with cookies to pass out to the kids of the local schools and how unnecessary the act was.Criticizing Palins actions, Warner continues on her point of how children are not deprived of these treats that some believe to be needed and how these foods and lack of nutrition need to be changed not encouraged. 401- Warner as well mentions here how Glenn Beck mocked the governmentand led to government health inspectors shutting down a7-year olds lemonade stand. Government cant regulate what the American people eatand dont eat. Because there are lot of educated people and know the consequences of eating too much fatty foods. She overly refers to Michelle Obamas campaign to fight childhood obesity. She wants to change our culture educating peoples to eat fruits and v egetables instead of french fries and burgers. 402- Warner explains how government is trying to regulate the amount of junk food that we eat.She is trying to compare current events and historical events to explain how the eating habits in our country have changed over the years. An example is the food rationing programs of World War 2 She also offers some solutions to the difficulty of obesity in the country. One of these solutions is that we should make fatting foods look bad, like we made cigarettes look bad. People will have a hard time changing their eating habits when junk food is portrayed as delicious and they dont directly receive negative side effects 403- The only way or the only solution is changing our culture, because most of the people think eating burgers and fries everyday is normal, thats their culture. But the day that we change that thinking and the day that we start thinking that eating healthy (fruits, vegetables) everyday is a normal, than we are going to hav e a different culture, and totally different America. 404- She also mention if we stop putting the cigarette like a sexy and cool product instead of putting something really bad that can disablement our lungs and cause a horrible disease like a lung cancer can stop people smoking.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Coffee â⬠Starbucks Essay
Starbucks is a reward deep brown wholesaler which has strayed from its original service of coffee berry. The advent of new-madeer technology has atrophied the Starbucks experience. Howard Schultz, Starbucks chairmen, sent a memo on February 14, 2007 addressing this problem to the president and chief executive officer of Starbucks, Jim Donald. In the memo, Schultz voiced his opinion on how the rapid expansion of Starbucks is causing him to revaluate the companys values betwixt how it operated when it began and where it is heading in the future.Starbucks isnt the same neighborhood store as it was when it was established and no yearlong shows the passion for coffee that they had in the beginning. I have said for 20 years that our success is not an entitlement and now its proving to be a reality. Lets be smarter about how we atomic number 18 pass our time, money and resources. Lets get back to the core (Schultz). Along with its expansion, Starbucks has been trying to utilize new technologies to improve the product they sell to consumers.Starbucks changed their espresso machines from manual to automatic to speed up service and efficiency. These machines blocked the visual sight line the customer previously had to watch the drink being made, and for the intimate experience with the barista (Schultz). raft no longer have that intimate connection with the people making their coffee, or to the finished product. The employees are also more disassociated from their work because of these new machines that speed up production.Starbucks also incorporated flavor-locked packaging to supplement the demand for fresh roasted coffee. This is a great service to the customer because it keeps coffee grounds or beans fresher longer, yet the effectiveness of the flavor-locked bags contributed to the loss of aroma, perhaps the most powerful non-verbal signal, in Starbucks (Schultz). The romanticism of Starbucks is lost with these improvements and the unforgettable scent is lessened along with its heritage.Starbucks is still a coffee-loving company, and consumers are still receiving the coffee delicacies they want, but at what cost to tradition. https//sites. google. com/site/hollymadalyn/writing/Starbucks-Research-paper SYNOPSIS Starbucks Corporation, originally founded in 1971, but purchased by Howard Schultz in 1987, is the market leader in selling gourmet coffee (Starbucks, 2008). Starbucks main neutral is to establish itself as the most respected and recognized coffee put up in the world (Fact Sheet, 2008).Starbucks has consummate this objective and experienced much success through their competitive strategy of clustering several stores at bottom the same community and through their distinctive competencies of roasting and selling the quality coffee while providing risque quality customer service. The question is, can Starbucks continue their market share growth with rising competitors? Should they charge more on their international operati ons? Can they continually reinvent themselves to maintain their strong brand image in the long run? PROBLEMS. Overall economic downturn can affect Starbucks market share if management neglects to address competitors strategies with lower priced offerings as consumers are becoming more conservative in spending their discretionary income. Loss of identity and authenticity focused upon the foundational Starbucks experience, which, if unaddressed by management, can moderate in dissatisfied customers, loss of sales, and decreased market share. Considering the economy and increasing domestic competition in spite of appearance the U. S. , Starbucks must address their less profitable international operations.SWOT ANALYSIS1 INDUSTRY EVALUATION In the late(prenominal) two decades, the coffee industry has experienced a significant increase in the demand for premium coffee. Today, about one in five Americans drinks some type of espresso-based coffee drink each day. The clean yearly coffee consumption per capita in the U. S. is around 4. 4Kg. Among these coffee drinkers, the average consumption is 3. 1 cups of coffee per day, with men drinking approximately 1. 9 cups per day, and women drinking an average of 1. 4 cups per day (Coffee Research continues.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hul: -Strategies
Due to the continuous efforts of the outstrip wash brands in India penetration of shampoos in urban areas is almost 100%. As far as penetration of shampoo in the rural areas is concerned it has risen by almost 18% in the current scenario. the shampoo merchandise in India is valued at Rs 4. 5 bn with the penetration take at 13% only. The market is expected to increase due to lower duties and aggressive marketing by players wash is also available in a sachet, which is affordable and makes upto 40% of the total shampoo sale.The Indian shampoo market is characterised by a twin-benefit platform cosmetic and anti-dandruff. It is basically an upper middle class product, as more than 50% of the consumers use ordinary toilet goo for washing hair. While the awareness level is high, the penetration level is very low even in the metros which is only 30%. Urban markets accounting for 80% of the total shampoo market, The penetration level is rapidly increasing due to decline in excise duty, which was 120% in 1993 to 30% currently.Hindustan Unilever Ltd led hair pull off sales in 2010, with a 19% value share, followed by Dabur India Ltd India, Marico Ltd and Procter & Gamble Home Products Ltd India. These four companies accounted for almost 49% of value, by deservingness of their strong brands in shampoos and conditioners. Consumer goods giant Hindustan Unilever today said it is looking at cornering over 13% of the shampoo market succeeding(prenominal) fiscal with its leading hair care brand Dove in the next fiscal. We have already launched these products globally. Today we have launched it in this market.With this we expect to gain 13-15% market share in FY13, HUL General Manager, Hair Care Business, Piyush Jain, told PTI here. He further said, the company entered the hair care segment in 2007 and since then we have achieved a market share of 10%. The shampoo market is estimated to be nearly Rs 3,500 crore. To achieve the target, the company today launched its Do ve nourishing oil care range of products oil care shampoo, daily treatment conditioner, oil care weekly vita-oils repair mask and oil care vita-oil serum in the premium category which contains a blend of vita oils ncluding coconut, almond and sunflower oils. Dove, which initially started as soap brand, has diversified into the hair care and antiperspirant segments recently. we have achieved a market share of 10 percent. The shampoo market is estimated to be roughly Rs 3,500 crore. (IBN Live oct 2011) But if HUL, the leader in shampoos with a market share of around 44% through its Sunsilk, Clinic Plus, Clinic All Clear and Dove brands, was to respond to P&Gs hunt down with share of 24%. apr2011
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Australian Consumer Law Tutorial Answers
A representative for Scoutmaster told Mrs. Trans that We believe the new rent is very bonnie and below the market value and The rent is lower than the rental paid by other tenants in the Food Court Both statements were incorrect. Scoutmaster gave Mrs. Trans 7 days to agree to the lease renewal, but provided no effort for giving this limited time frame. Advise Mrs. Trans as to whether Scoutmaster Pity Ltd has breached the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (previously referred to as apportion Practices Act 1974 (Act)) and if so, her available remedies.Issue Were the statements misleading or deceptive in breach of the Australian Consumer rectitude? Law fraction 18, Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Act) (or alternatively you can say Section 18 Australian Consumer Law which is the title for Schedule 2) Section 4 (presumption of misleading) Eveready Australia Pity Ltd v Gillette Australia Pity Ltd OR Taco Company of Status Inc v Taco Bell Pity Ltd ( accusive te st) Application Explain which of the statements was an opinion and wherefore the law presumes it was misleading (e was there any floor for making the opinion? Apply the objective test to the second statement made by the Scoutmaster representative. In finicky (what will be the brand market and why would a reasonable person from that target market be misled or deceived? Issue Did Scoutmaster engage in unconscionable conduct? Section 22 Australian Consumer Law Miller v Gunter & Ours OR Commercial Bank of Australia v Amid Explain why section 21 and not section 20 applies Explain why Scoutmasters conduct was in tack or commerce Explain what the conduct was and why it was unconscionable, with reference to the factors listed in section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law.In particular o The superior bargaining position of Scoutmaster o Ability to understand documents o extravagant pressure and tactics used Issue Did Scoutmaster make a false or misleading government agency? Sect ion Australian Consumer Law Explain why the statements were false regarding the price of a service, in particular noting what the relevant price is and what the service is in the question. Issue What are the remedies? Law Section 236 ( insurance) Section 232 ( injunction) Section 243 (other orders) Explain the remedies that Mrs. Trans would be seeking as you are advising her and not the AC.In particular o Explain what an injunction would do and why Mrs. Trans would want this remedy o Explain when Mrs. Trans would be entitled to damages and how damages would be calculated o Explain when Mrs. Trans loud want to vary the contract and what the variation would be o Explain when Mrs. Trans would want to void the contract and what the effect of voiding the contract would be decisiveness Scoutmaster has engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct and made a false or misleading representation in respect of the price of a service.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Importance of Risk Management
MGD426 jeopardy care Overview A find is, consequently, a fortune of infection that stop derail an organic law from accomplishing a championship process, project, or some(prenominal) activity that is vital to a bon tons sustenance. There are different classifications of risks financial, operational, infrastructure, world capital, and marketing risks. These risks embody subcategories of risks that can negatively affect the lodge. Leverage, receivables, and investments are risks can hinder the financial situations of a keep company. The decline of profits, increased losses, and negative impact on business processes are some of the costs in the failure to control risks.Similarly, operational risk complicates many losses that are associated with internal processes, people and systems or from external events (The Basel Committee, 2004). By continually up(p) operations, steadfastlys are better able to gain competitive advantage. Operational risks occur from the execution o f a companys business process. Although it is a relatively vague imagination, it can be summed into a three-fold focus processes, people, and systems. inherent fake can be categorized into unauthorized activity, as well as theft and fraud where as external fraud can be categorized with systems security, and theft and fraud.Importance of Assessment and Management In order for an organization to achieve indisputable objectives, coming across risks is almost inevitable. Organizations that are aware of such calamities are, more often than not, enabled to actively manage hazards and encompass potential opportunities for competitive advantage. This precisely substance that contingency planning is of the essence(predicate) as uncontrollable risks (i. e. environmental factors) can occur at any time. piece of music an organization cannot stop these hazards from occurring, they can mitigate the negative effects.By mitigating these risks with necessary responses, the company can aim t heir resources at improving or continuing their business processes. Therefore, the emphasis is, principally, on identifying and managing these hazards. Sustainable value is essential to the company and its activities minimized uncertainty of goal achievement as well as maximized possibility of success. Competing in a dynamic environment leaves gap for uncertainty of the future. Briefly touched upon previously, this enables certain risks to not be accounted for.Risk management, as aforementioned, is a discipline that needs to be implemented by all companies. It is becoming increasingly important because of the dynamics of the environments in which an organization runs (technological, political, social, etc. ). For example, the effects of natural disasters can be mitigated alone not stopped. Terrorism is a risk that cannot be calculated and accounted for prior to. All these questions and inquiries relay dressing to the umbrella question why is risk management and/or risk perspicaci ty important to an organization?Risk assessment is a portion of Risk Management it is a formulated procedure for do sure that firms are not exposed to deplorable hazards. Taking into context the previously mentioned information, it is not of a lot use if the scale of the risk is not measured. Once measured, the organization would rally against how likely it is and what the organization can/should/ go out do to mitigate its effects. Contingency planning, as mentioned, is a risk management technique that comes near based on the assessment of the risk.Building on risk assessment, a risk that is not managed correctly will cause the firm to be affected negatively. These negative effects can be financial, operational, infrastructural, related to human capital or market classifications of risk. Moreover, risk management is only effective if the assessment is done correctly. both(prenominal) go hand in hand the magnitude of the risk determines the management procedures. Reducing the ris k of accidents to the company can allow the company to better relocate its resources towards its operational needs rather than additional risk management or risk recovery.Risk Response The response to a risk is done by the concept of the 4 Ts (terminate, tolerate, treat, and transfer). By terminating risks, you are, inherently, doing things in a different manner and, thus, removing the risk. Tolerate means that nothing can be done a reasonable cost to mitigate the risk or the likelihood and impact are at a reasonable level. Moreover, treating risks is taking certain actions to control a risk by, either, mitigating the likelihood of it emerging or limiting the effect it will have on the business process/project.Lastly, transfer of risks is primarily the underlying principle behind insurance transactions. Specifically, a risk, outline in the insurance or contract, can be passed from a party who does not want the risk to another(prenominal) party who will take it (either for free or a premium insurance). Financial Risk Management Financial risk management is, primarily, concerned with the economic value of an organization and the effects to it. The management reflexion deals with the exposure to risk, and the response to it.Two primary risks involved in financial sectors of firms are credit risks and market risks (while others include Forex (foreign exchange), volatility, liquidity, inflation, etc. ). Since financial risk is a factor in all organizations, it is important to respond to any volatility that may occur as it would affect the firm negatively. These risks primarily mean that a firm who is unable to appropriately manage their financial operations will be subjugated by losses. As stated previously, credit risk, which is the inability for a business partner to compensate for a loan or satisfy other monetary contract, will, obviously, damage the company.This is apparent since the company will be at a loss since the firm who adheres to a loan contract is not able to pay back the moneys. Risk assessment for this particular risk includes a risk and control self-assessment (RCSA). This is a set of directives, which help empty any financial detriment because of fraud, carelessness, and/or technological malfunction. As with any other risk assessment technique, classification of whether it is low, medium, or high level risk is determined based on the estimated loss.This type of risk assessment falls under the treat classification of risk response as a certain action is implemented in order to control/mitigate the risk. As stated, in this brief example, the immensity of risk assessment and management is vital to an organization. Works Cited Briefing Paper H Risk Management. authorities and Social Development Resource Centre. N. p. , n. d. Web. . Corporate Governance Risk Management Policy. Isle of Man Government. N. p. , n. d. Web.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Biography of Noel Coward
Few writers waste invested as oft care into the personal image they publicly project as did Noel Coward. As a result, within touristed culture the name Coward has become synonymous with a certain English style the elegant silk dress gown, the cigarette holder, charm, wit, clipped phrases, upper-class accents, and sex appeal. His plays reinforced this image, and Coward was non averse to audiences confusing him with his leading piecely heterosexual characters.Cowards oddity is now well understood, as is the fact that his public persona was a paying at disco biscuittion construction designed to hide his homosexuality from the general public. He was, for example, unimpressed with Oscar Wilde, calling him a silly, conceited, curt creature . . . a dreadful self-deceiver (The Noel Coward Diaries, 135). Although by the 1960s Coward was writing openly about the Homosexual government note in Parliament in twain his diaries and his play Shadows of the Evening, he failed to realize t hat his whole mannerismthe silk dress gown, the cigarette holder, the raised eyebrowwas deeply artificial and camp.In addition to the creation of an immensely enjoyable persona, Cowards homosexuality may have similarly led him to the acidly witty exposure of society characteristic of so umteen of his plays and the comedy of manners ( Lahr). He well understood societys double standards and knew exactly how they might best be exposed through voice communication. However, his success lay not with the epigrammatic phrase, and rather with the timing so that ordinary phrases become witty, hilarious, hysterical, or loaded with desperation. The recent revival of Coward in London, labeled by approximately critics as Coward for the nineties, attests to Cowards curiouring qualities.To a certain extent he ignored modernism and sweeping changes in the theater, preferring instead to perfect the comedy of manners. Yet his sparse nevertheless witty dialogue that relies on bunk and moment, his consciousness of linguistic communication as a weapon that can damage, and the gap between the grace of the language and what people actually do to one some other ensure that Coward is more than merely an entertaining period of time comedy writer. Even Cowards birth date of 16 December 1899 seems suspiciously auspicious, falling at the end of an old century, and early on Coward appeared determined to embody the new century.He was born into a middle-class suburbia in Teddington, Middlesex, and not into the world of cocktails and dressing gowns that his plays were to celebrate. His devoted mother Violet had married a sonant salesman, Arthur, from a musical family, and she adored the theater and certainly passed that on to her son. With her encouragement, Noel took acting lessons at the age of ten in Miss Janet Thomass Dancing Academy, and in September, 1911 he auditioned for his first part in The Goldfish.The year 1911 apothegm the beginning of his relationship with Charles H awtrey, one of the great Edwardian actor-managers, when Noel first appeared in Hawtrey The Great Name. Hawtrey cast him in a series of plays The Great Name, Where the Rainbow Ends, A Little Fowl Play, and The Saving Grace. Between 1911 and 1917 Coward appeared in a number of plays and quickly learned to appreciate the pleasure of an audience, which, he claimed, launched him on his writing career. He was at last drafted into the army in 1918, but his tubercular tendency and neurasthenia ended his army career after a few short months.Between 1918 and 1920 Coward survived by acting in a few small roles and writing stories for magazines and variant lyrics. Early success came with Ill Leave It to You, a vehicle he wrote for himself and Esme Wynne-Tyson staged in Manchester and London. Critics agreed that a new talent had emerged. At the age of twenty-four, Coward confirmed this with The Vortex. Coward was hailed as a sensational talent. He shock audiences with the subject matter of the play, but those who got beyond shock appreciated Cowards talent for writing. He seemed to epitomize the ages call for to live life at a fast rate.His early success was confirmed with Hay Fever, produced in 1925, and Easy Virtue. Cowards finest play, secluded Lives, written, like so many others, at high speed and as a vehicle for his dear friend Gertrude Lawrence, opened the 1930s. During this decade Coward wrote his finest work. In 1931 he wrote Cavalcade, in 1932, Design for Living, in 1935, ten one-act plays in Tonight at 830, and in 1939, This Happy Breed. During this decade he also acted as a somewhat unsuccessful spy and more successful patriot. In 1940 he toured Australia for the arm forces and in 1941 toured New Zealand.In that same year Blithe Spirit was produced, and he wrote the screenplay for In Which We Serve. During the early forties Coward enjoyed success with films. In 1943 he produced This Happy Breed in 1944 he produced Blithe Spirit also in 1944 he wrote the s creenplay for Brief Encounter, based on Still Life, a play from the ten in Tonight at 830, and the film was produced in 1945. With the end of the war Cowards popularity declined. His musical Pacific 1860 was not successful and was followed by the equally unsuccessful Peacein Our Time in Our Time, written in 1946 and produced in 1947.These failures keep through the mid-fifties with the musical Ace of Clubs in 1950 and the plays Relative Values in 1951 and Quadrille in 1952. In 1953 his career took a new shift when he performed as a cabaret entertainer at coffee bar de Paris. In 1954 he wrote Nude with Violin and moved first to Bermuda and then in 1959 to Switzerland. During the late 1950s and 1960s Coward once more enjoyed success with a production of Waiting in the Wings in 1959, the musical Sail Away, and an fervor on the new drama written by Coward himself in 1961 for The sunshine Times. In 1964 Hay Fever was revived and directed by Coward at the National Theatre.His last show on the West End stage came in 1966 with Suite in Three Keys. In 1970 Coward was knighted, and thither followed in 1972 a revue in London named Cowardy Custard and Oh Coward in Toronto, which r to each oneed Broadway in 1973. Coward died of a heart attack in 1973 at his retreat in Jamaica. This play, dealing with a mothers affair with a young man the same age as her son, and a son addicted to drugs, launched Cowards career. Both characters commodious to be adored, and both promise to change at the end of the play and give up their respective vices.Although the Lord Chamberlain intimately refused the play a license, Coward managed to obtain one by persuading the Lord Chamberlain that the play was really a moralistic tract. Agate noted that Coward lifted the play from disagreeable to philosophic comment, but complained that the third act is too long (Mander and Mitchenson, 69). Hastings commented firmly that this was a dustbin of a play (Morley 83). Nevertheless, most critics prais ed the play, especially those in the States such as the reviewers for the New York World, the New York Post, and the New York Tribune, who called it the seasons best new play (Cole 47).Later critics such as Lahr (18-26) and Gray (34-41) still praised the play for the literary leap Coward exhibited. The 1952 revival was set in the 1920s and accepted mixed praise the London Daily Mail complained about its frantic piano-playing at e very crisis but noted that the wit still sparkles and that final hysterical scene between the son and the mother with a lover of just his own age has lost little of its old dramatic sting (Mander and Mitchenson 21-22). Cowards finest play, Private Lives, claims no political message, and each element is fully resolved in this beautifully symmetrical play.Amanda and Elyot have each remarried and meet on their honeymoons with their exceedingly dull spouses. Elyot and Amanda appear in turn on their Riviera balconies, each having a similar conversation with the ir new spouses. The play begins by contrasting balanced scenes in which Amanda and Elyot founder that the only way to pass on with their new spouses is through language, but they are unable to do so. Thus, when Elyot attempts to poke into Sibyls mind and discover her future plans, she responds I havent the faintest idea what youre talking about. She functions on the simplest level of language as talk, of words having a precise and limited meaning. Similarly, Amanda finds passkey equally limited. When she articulates her belief that communication depends on a combination of circumstances and takes place if all the various cosmic thingummys fuse at the same moment, and the ripe spark is struck, Victor can only reply that she is not nearly as complex as she thinks she is. For Elyot and Amanda, language communicates all too well on a literal level, but their feelings do not align with the words or with each others words.They use the language of the commonplace as a weapon. In one o f their most memorable scenes, they display their sophisticated barbs when Amanda asks, Whose yacht is that? and Elyot replies The Duke of Westminsters, I expect. It always is. Amanda, opening herself for the side by side(p) retort, exclaims, I wish I were on it, to which Elyot replies, I wish you were too. None of these lines is especially witty alone, but given their context and the timing, they are funny and sad.This couple cannot live apart, and yet as act 2 reveals, neither can they live in concert. Indeed, in the second act language becomes too effective a weapon, so that periodically Amanda and Elyot must resort to a technique to literally stop communicating. When language threatens to communicate their old jealousies and recriminations too starkly, they resort to using the word sollocks the device fails and language refuses to submit to such control. When Amanda and Elyot discontinue from relying on language, they can communicate.Thus, if they divert themselves with word games such as deciding whether it is a covey of Bisons, or even a school of Bisons, or perhaps the Royal London school of Bisons, they succeed. But when they strive to discuss something meaningful, such as their phoebe bird years apart and the question of other lovers, they find language powerful and disturbing. Amanda says that she would not expect Elyot to have been more or less celibate than she was in their five years apart, but he cannot separate the words from the meaning they imply.He cannot bear the thought that she was not celibate, and in the ensuing argument he concludes, We should have said sollocks ages ago. They should have ceased conversation because language is too destructive. What makes Coward very much a twentieth-century writer is his refusal to restore harmony to this chaos. We must accept that Amanda and Elyot cannot live together without armed combat and there will be no happy ending because their attempts to control language are futile.Moreover, this fut ility infects Victor and Sibyl so that their previous united front disintegrates, and as they echo the arguments of Amanda and Elyot, Amanda and Elyot sneak out to fight another day. Cowards couples find that language communicates only too well so that they can neither live together nor apart, and in this, Coward embodies the awful dilemma of the human condition. Contemporary scholarship should continue to explore Coward to dispel the notion that he is just a period writer. Works Cited Cole Stephen. Noel Coward A Bio-Bibliography.Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1993. Coward, Noel. Private Lives, virulent Sweet, The Marquise, Post Mortem. London Methuen, 1979. Gray, Frances. Noel Coward. Basingstoke, Hampshire Macmillan, 1987. Lahr, John. Coward the Playwright. London Methuen, 1982. Mander Raymond, and Joe Mitchenson. Theatrical Companion to Coward. London Rockliff, 1957. Morley Sheridan. A Talent to Amuse A Biography of Noel Coward. Boston Little, Brown, 1985. Payn, Graham and Morle y, Sheridan. The Noel Coward Diaries. Ed. Boston Little, Brown, 1982.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Argo - the Movie (DO not summarize the plot) Review
Argo - the (DO not summarize the plot) - depiction Review ExampleThe characterization Argo explores several motives relating to the foreign policy of America in other countries. These themes imply the role of the CIA, Hollywood and the tensions in Iran (Brown n.p). The main predominant theme that runs throughout the movie is an attempt by Ben Affleck to present the Americas perspectives on the Persian revolution. Most of the Persians perceive films produced in foreign countries with a lot of negativity and resentment. Most of the films and media productions aired on the Persian media attempt to explore the themes of cold contend and psychologically induced warfare. Based on these themes, most of the films and movies produced by Americans are perceived by the Iranians as a lack of cultural heritage but rather an attempt by America to use art to spread their political propaganda. By pursuing a sympathetic theme in his movie, Ben Affleck simply reinforces the suspicions that Ira nians have always harbored regarding the motive and intent of the rescue mission (Brown n.p).Ben Affleck takes a revolutionary approach in directing the movie. He pursues the psychological warfare theme by exploring issues that have historical and political bearing. The movie begins with a scene in which the USA diplomats are reprobate Mohhammad Reza Pahlavi. This calls for a critical review and analysis of the historical and political interest of the US in the Iranian revolution, especially through its foreign policy. In another scene, we witness the Americans bullying the Iranians in the US amidst the crisis. What the movie does is to present the Americans as authoritative and the Iranians as underdogs. It simply illustrates how the Americans employed their foreign policy to humiliate the immigrant Iranians on the US soil and even so to undermine them on their own Iranian soil. The movie Argo therefore manages to bring out the strained relationship between Iran and the US while delineation the Iranians as sympathetic victims of the US
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Obama's position Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Obamas position - Assignment ExampleThirdly, a nations secrets are vital since they will play a fundamental role in shaping the efficacy of security controls and measures set by the government. If the secrets are given to the public, it implies that the terrorists will be assured that their links are being monitored, and this may undermine security. Therefore, the presidents position to order cleanup spot of someone who is a threat to security without disclosing the reason is good because it will tighten the security measures by preserving the nations secrets of the nation.However, there are arguments against this stand first because human rights ought to be emphasized and no one should control the sole right of determining another persons destiny. Secondly, the United States temper provides for fair trial of any person accused of crime and imposing death implicitly is tone ending against the constitution. Thirdly, the President ordering the killing of a United States citizen or any other person could have political reasons, and this means that it would not be fair if the suspected person were not tried in the courts to determine the viability of the claims placed against
Monday, May 13, 2019
Students are required to write a report using correct report writing Essay
Students are required to write a report using correct report writing and referencing techniques on a topic of there choice. sun helmet - Essay ExampleWe were not connected by the fact that we were social scientists, but by Bollywood. Because of that Bollywood song, I felt a cultural kinship with this man. (Gowricharn cited in Assisi, n.d.). The difference between the East and West is inseparable in the difference between the Hollywood and Bollywood respectively. Hollywood films are character referenceized by their quality of cinematography, action and graphics. On the otherwise hand, Bollywood films are famous for their songs, tragedy and drama. These elements mark the history of the respective nations that are associated with them. Technology is the volume of USA and arts and crafts are the strong areas of the Indian culture. India has seen a long history of Moughal rulership. Moughal kings were very amicable of songs and dance. Listening songs was their favorite pastime. The same culture was passed down the line to everybody in the society. That was the time when West was engross exploring the nature and fashioning technological advancement. The British industrial revolution of the 19th century opened the entrance to technological advancement and the trend spread furthermost and wide everywhere in the West including America. The cast of British industrial revolution of the 19th century was so widespread because Britain ruled a kitty of countries in the world. Over the centuries, West has reached the apogee of technological advancement. Today, they make use of the best quality cameras for making their movies like The Master Course. The Master Course is a powerful system of single-camera blocking and an unprecedented terminology of camera work, that may fundamentally change the way you direct (Hollywood Camera Work, 2011). That is why, they come out outlying(prenominal) better in graphics, effects and print than Indian movies do. However, Hollywoo d movies lack songs. Every movie that is make in Bollywood has at least five to six songs. People normally place more fury upon the effects and quality of print that reflects in the Hollywood films and tend to underestimate the songs that are the strength of the Bollywood movies. This is in general an outcome of the influence of the West that has dominated the East for a major part of the history. A take of Bollywood movies copy the stories or ideas of the Hollywood movies whereas the same cannot be said for the Hollywood movies. In this sense, Hollywood is far more original as compared to Bollywood that has tried to imitate Hollywood a number of times. A emf example of this is the movie Omkara that was released a couple of years ago in Bollywood that is actually a Hindi version of the play Othello written by Shakespeare. Indian filmmakers have changed the names of the characters, but the starting alphabets tarry the same which also serve as a hint that the movie is based on O thello. For the character Lago in Othello, there is Langra Bhayya in Omkara. Othello is played by Omkara. Desdimonas character is played by Dolly. Similarly, other first alphabets of the names of all other characters have been maintained as such. The fact that Bollywood has copied Hollywood a number of times also reflects the Indian psychology that has historically been inspired by the West. Indians wear gag shirt like Americans but Americans dont wear kurta dhoti like Indians. Most Indians learn and peach English but there is only a small number of Americans that tend to learn and call Hindi. The difference
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Biological system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Biological system - Assignment ExampleAnother category of devices, fill out as, Ventricular assist devices (VADs) use model-based control to make required adjustment for changes in patient needs. This reflects on the fact that these devices are related to automation and control.The article reflect on the health care or medicine industry. Different controls and sensors have been used for each device. For the artificial pancreas linear and nonlinear proportional-derivative (PD) algorithms to emulate the realistic biphasic insulin secretion profile. Advanced control technologies have been, including variations on PID control, run-to-run control and model predictive control. maneuver and manipulated variables differ from device to device as all devices are used for different reasons and are similarly based on different models. The articles highlights the issue of ventricular assist devices. Although high-level physiologic control is a promising technology a thorough research is requir ed to understand how to control the speed of the manage and in response to what sensors.The paper reflects on the gap between engineers and clinicians. It shows that engineer can contribute and are highly contributing to the health care industry. With the help of automation and control, many traditional issues have been cut across and have caused an ameliorationment in the field of biotechnology. Areas under research have given a coup doeil of hope for many hopeless individuals and families suffering from different disease. Even though so much advance has and is taking place, they are many barriers that are causing resistance to the advancement. Not only are these barriers to be overcome but also different ways of improvement are to be sought. Those which are know should also be implemented.From a regulatory point of view, during development the centre of focus shouldnt be the drug but the device. This is because opting to focus on the device usually leads to a shorter pathway o f
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Variation of Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Variation of Contract - Essay ExampleThis is the see to it of the doctrine of consideration. Thus courts sometimes appa plightly are prepared to take up consideration kind of of questioning its needs.1Exchange thus makes up the terra cognita of contractual responsibilities. Presented promises are often passed on to the private reach of influence2. Their breach is made good with only a moral sanction. But in the laws of employment instantly post decision of Taylor v Secretary of State for Scotland,3 this conventional dissimilarity is under stress.4 With regard to Re Selectmove 1995 1 WLR 474 the case was for payment of a debt which the musical compositionicipation Selectmove owed to the crown. In order to escape payment of the debt the company was wound up. The question to be discussed is whether the debt was a disputed one or non For this the law of estoppel has to be understood.Where by his words or conduct one party to a transaction makes to the other a clear and unequivocal promise or assurance which is intended to affect the legal relations mingled with them (whether contractual or otherwise), or was reasonably understood by the other party to have that effect, and, in the lead it is withdrawn, the other party acts upon it, altering his or her position so that it would be inequitable to permit the frontmost party to withdraw the promise, the party making the promise or assurance will not be permi... Meanwhile the other party will most likely continue with the performance of the contract.When there is a counter conjure then silence on the part of the creative assertor will not normally form an acceptance. But it will be considered as an acceptance in case of an offer without time limit. It may be construed as acceptance if the original offeror had objected to some of the extra scathe which the counter offer may contain. In cases of ambiguous offer where the offeree communicates to the offeror about his understanding of the offer then such(prenom inal) a communication will almost certainly result in a counter-offer. at a lower place such circumstances silence will make up acceptance on the part of the offeror6.Some of the recent cases manifest the dampening, or elimination, of a quiet a lot of the uncertain philosophies or maxims which have conventionally confined the functioning of the doctrines of estoppel. This has actually limited an open challenge to the importance of the intellect meant to produce legal relations and confirmed by circumstance as the means of imposing promissory responsibilities. In Waltons Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher,7 the majority8 in the High Court agreed that Maher, a constructor, who was negotiating a contract with the appellant, Waltons. Under the agreement it was decided that Maher would destroy buildings on the ground which he possessed and then build and rent to Waltons a building to its stipulation. This brought reliance on the doctrine of promissory estoppel when Maher destroyed the old buildings accepting that a contract between the parties would be arrived at.9 The majority were not stressed by the alleged convention that such rules of evidence do not find a reason for action, or by the obligation of
Friday, May 10, 2019
Power of Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Power of Communication - appointment ExampleBoth theories help in arriving at the true meaning and essence of a play. This is the lone(prenominal) way in which the audience of a play gets in touch with the writer, and clearly gets the message that the writer of the play intended to pass across.This paper, therefore, goes a long way to critically analyze the importance of creation Earnest in light of Aristotles six elements of a play. First and foremost is the plot of the play. check to Aristotle, plot simply refers to the flow of incidents through which a protagonist progresses (Aristotle paragraph one). It talks more of the position of events, and how they follow each other from the beginning to the end of the play. When analyzing plot as an integral element of a play, it is very critical to establish the relationship between and among distinct scenes or acts. The events in the play at hand truly agree with Aristotles theory. In Act one, we are introduced to both Jack and his fabricated brother (Wilde act 1). Jack lives a double life and this is known to no one else still himself. The second Act brings us to the real reasons why jack lives a double life, while the thirdly Act leads us in discovering the whole truth suggested in the second Act.The second element is Character. This is how the actors or figures in a play relate to each other, in a bid to achieve their different goals and motives (Aristotle paragraph two). Understanding the character helps in the identification of the conflict, since conflict is created by the goals, motives and wantd pursued by each of the characters throughout the play. In the case at hand, the desire of Cecily is to get married to Ernest, which is also the desire of Gwendoline (Wilde act 3). This creates a conflict between them, a conflict that leads to the discovery of the truth. Gwendoline, in her desire to tone her relationship with Jack, decides to pay him a surprise visit. Gwendolines mother, Lady Bracknell, is not pleased by this and follows
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