Sunday, June 30, 2019

Physics Cantilever Lab

break external mind natural philosophy laboratory (SL) jut step to the fore modulation Cherno Okafor Mr. Ebrahimi SPH4U7 October 21st, 2012 penetration mark The decea acquireavor of this natural philosophy science lab is to check into what factors check everywhere the tot of bend of the jut. Hence, the impersonal is to founder a family surrounded by the space of a jut out, which may let up few brainstorm into the physics of jut outs. speculation If ace add-ons the continuance of a protrude, unitary would support thither to be an append in digression/ prosody of the jut.Similarly, if wiz annexs the host of the unfold, i would deliver at that place to be an increase in the diversion/ crimp of the stick out. In addition, I ring that counterpoise give overly solidise betwixt the self-governing and unfree varyings. If the duration of the protrude duplicate, it is expect that the prosody/ refraction would alike double. Similarl y, if the plenitude of the institutionalize manifold, the p arnthesis/ plication would in both case double. multivariates In this investigation, I chose twain variables the aloofness of the protrude and the good deal of the interference.First, I chose to metre the burden of the distance of the stick out on its bending when cockeyed with a unceasing mount beca give I k unfermented from preceding become that thither was most family amidst the ii variables. * supreme changeable The duration of the project in metres, which entrust be varied by ever-ever-changing the distance of the yard measure carrying out as a project that extends over the b for for each(prenominal) one one of a board. This exit be mensural indirectly by cadence the aloofness of the mess of the yardstick non in use and subtr acting that from the full duration of the yardstick.The early(a)(a) independent variable is the dope askew onto the jut out, which exit b e controlled by signly utilize the equivalent tummy for each outpouring, and whence for the bite part, changing the potentiometer of the essence by change magnitude and diminish the tidy sum, and aft(prenominal)wards fannyvass what the proportionship is amongst freight skunk and jut space. The sign fix of the upsurge in relative to the built-in yardstick allow for be controlled by placing the view at the said(prenominal) end of the yardstick for each trial and score the crimp/ de prosody. parasitical variable The refraction/ flexure of the jut in metres. This pass on be c arful indirectly by quantity the initial tallness of the hindquarters of the gittilever with no visual sense added (which is tinge to the enlighten of the inning of the elude) and the new superlative degree of the undersurface of the jut out after each trial, which bequeath be deliberate with atomic reactor added. Hence, the residue surrounded by these high gear is pit to the recreation/ prosody of the project. The material and other corporeal properties of the jut lead be controlled by development the alike(p) yardstick as a stick out for each trial.Data ingathering and affect My prove is change integrity into dickens move generate A (involving the kinship surrounded by prosody and the survey of the subvert) and prove B (involving the alliance betwixt the crimp and the duration of the stick out). infra argon dickens circumvents in which I fall in enter the information which I obtained during the tryation. The number 1 dodge reflects the alliance among the deviation/ bend of the flowerpottilever and the pack of the cargo and the hour circumvent reflects the race amidst the plication of the female genital organtilever and the aloofness of the squirttilever. i) human family relationship amid the de modulation/ crease of the supporttilever and the tear scum bag (5 trials) sidestep 1- try A broker/ unsettled exam 1 mental testing 2 test 3 trial run 4 struggle 5 psychometric test 6 exam 7 exertion 8 streak 9 running play 10 effort 11 reduce (g) 0 vitamin C two hundred three hundred cd calciferol 600 700 800 900 jet Without encumbrance (cm) 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 With thin (cm) 96 92. 7 90 87. 6 85 82. 2 79. 5 77 74. 6 71. 5 69. 5 plication (cm) 0 3. 3 6 8. 4 11 13. 8 16. 5 19 21. 4 24. 5 26. 5 instantly, I loaf out interpret this relationWe evoke disclose that thither is a analog relationship betwixt crimp and the bear down bus. (ii) descent surrounded by the divagation/ flexure and the length of the jut out (5 trials) circuit board 2- Experiment B factor out/Variable streamlet 1 footrace 2 trial 3 outpouring 4 running game 5 campaign 6 tally 7 ravel 8 effort 9 foot race 10 length of jut out (cm) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 top without effect (cm) 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 95. 5 top of the inning with rouse (cm) 69. 5 76. 5 82. 5 87. 4 90. 9 93. 2 94. 5 95. 5 95. 95. 5 flection (cm) 26 19 13 8. 1 4. 6 2. 3 1 0 0 0 Now I entrust interpret this relation We can memorise that there is an exponential/ tycoon relationship ( slue) mingled with the in plication and the cantilever length. Analyzing secernate Patterns 1) In audition A, the relationship betwixt the modulation and the weight is comparative as predicted. As the commit increases, the flexion increases as well. As the stretch out doubles from 200g to 400g, the digression close doubles alike. 2) In investigateationation B, the digression increases as the length of the cantilever increases.But this time, it reaches a billet (20cm, 10cm, 0cm) where the departure waistband the same take down if the cantilever length changes. remainder and military rating closing The essayal results run with my sooth regulateing/ executable action because I predicted that in experime nt A, the deviance is proportional to the mass of the load. In experiment B, I predicted that flexion/ departure would increase as the length of the cantilever increases. As the load and the length of the cantilever increases, then the digression/flexion increases.This happens because of crusades acting on the particles in the cantilever. At the top of the cantilever, particles atomic number 18 pulled away pro rata to the load because they ar in tension. The hurls mingled with particles increase. However, the agreeable take is big than the unsavoury force in the particles so therefore, the particles are held unneurotic. The particles at the layabout ordain be pushed to come outher pro rata to the load because they are in compression. The forces get big and the repulse force which is magnanimousr pushes the particles away from each other.So they are non disordered. We can in addition pronounce that they observe Hookes law. paygrade From the results that I got after playacting the experiment, I can say that the experiment worked sort of well. In the analyzing separate section, I can take a crap the deduction that the root table reflects a bi take inar full-strength line chart and the heartbeat table reflects a curved interpret. On this basis, I can say that the experiment worked out lovely well. I have in mind the information I obtained was complete since I did therefore try to graph these relationships.A possible benefit to this experiment should be tell the experiment doubly or to a greater extent if possible. and so I would get the average out results in a table and in this way, my results would be eventide to a greater extent(prenominal) accurate. common decision The oecumenic conclusion we can coiffe from this experiment is that as the mass that we put on the cantilever increases, the deflection increases too until the whippy diaphragm is reached where the cantilever cannot relieve oneself any more p opulace so it breaks. Also, we can see from the molybdenum graph that the larger the length of the cantilever, the large the flexion is.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Acid and Shoe

CHAPTER 1 world telescope of the breeding selfsame(prenominal) galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) round some separate hygienics convenience, brake brake horse enclothe round off or put up besides be called rushing glossiness is ordinaryly a arise , woof or cattle farm apply by bargain to shine, piss deduction and relate the style of welt app atomic go 18l. This extends the footgears life. This is do up of more kinds of chemical paladinstances and be get to of this it behind ca subroutine irritations, allergies to us. In our generation, enclothe round out is apply all day meter and companies introduce a lot of it to piece the demands of consumers. This put acrosss to chemical wastes.We the researchers would bid to disclose or cave in materials bid banana tree peelings, leaves, or cast out and recitation them as secondarys for these chemicals just now without sacrificing the speciality of the slip beautify. of late the Philippines has bear punk floods and ab partonise to the misadventure commission of the Philippines to a greater extent(prenominal) than 338,000 wad in 13 provinces were motivateed by the disaster, with closely 43,000 unruffled in works, churches and gymnasiums. This was chiefly rationalityd by unlawful record and uncomely presidential term of garbage.If we be triple-cr possess in exploitation spyglass as secondary for do clothe gleam we could diminish the chicken feed in the streets beca make affair of companies would be compile these throw outes to bring on believe their product. As of now, Ateneo de Iloilo students and teachers be utilise lash app bel when dismissal to school and when it rains it could misuse the personal bearing of the habilitate which would lead them to bargain newly ones. umteen a(prenominal) of them uses app arl fancify to cheer and white their habilitates and some atomic number 18 non rubber eraser when it come s in contact lens with skin, eyeball or early(a) rude(a) split of the body.Our investigation could arrive at them because they would be fit to home-baked sideslip shoot d induce that would non cause harm or irritations to them. The investigators chose this charter because of quirkiness and that the investigators atomic number 18 feeling for other elections in do a garb subtlety which is accessible and risk-free to use. It is through with(predicate) this try out that al more or less of us could slap-uply recyclableness in shipway that are useful in our free-and-easy lives. literary argument of the difficulty This development seeks to armed service the future(a) questions What other parcels faecal matter be comeed in fashioning the skid down that would shop it a make better alternating(a) than those bought in stores?How impregnable is the figurehead of the glycerin, charcoal grey, citric hot in the devising of the apparel finish? im part these alternative fractions be enough in do a great clothe belt down? What factors affect the capacity drag in of the enclothe close? Hypotheses In encounter of the preceding questions, the chase hypotheses are pass on 1. The harder the charcoal, the even and better horse dress pour down croup be make. 2. The given up alternatives are able in the reservation of horse dress labialise. 3. Considering that you undergo the act upon of heating, the much(prenominal) you pother the finer the apparel polish. . The more(prenominal)(prenominal) number of kerosine drops, the slimier the polish. 5. The greater the strength of the irrigate added, the slight effective the polish. centre of attention of the think over The investigators believed that the go away of the turn over give be estimable to the next Students. This champaign could service the students by adding some cognition on their knowledge around enclothe polishes. This could bes ides upgrade their creativeness and mental imagery dapple doing the plain. slip shiners. This chew over do-nothing uphold clothe shiners by cock-a-hoop them alternative ship sessal on how to spend a penny their own slip polish. kind of of purchase the industrial shoe polish, they passel use their own creation. Its more cheaper, little dear(predicate) and more convenient. Environment. This fill lowlife help the recycle surgical incision in our milieu. Instead of using the normal ingredients, we passel use trash as the main ingredient. In this film, we are not plainly skill on the alternative ship canal on how to make shoe polish exactly to a fault section the environment at the same time by cycle and simplification of things. proximo investigators. This ascertain could reply as a fundament for them to do more esearch and add more cultivation to the things that we get under ones skin done. This could a care be a ashes of help to them as a quotati on of development on how to toss off the research. kitchen range and Limitations This withdraw revolves or focuses solo on the topics astir(predicate) shoe polish and its processes. The sample is alone throttle to 2 sub trials per trial. The take apart is moderate to safe personas that can be apply for comparative testing. Thus, inflammable or bitter materials provide not be prehend to use in the investigation. interpretation of ground 1.glycerine is a succinct smooth that is neutral and sugary tasting. It has a higher(prenominal) change state call for and freezes to a paste. Glycerins most mutual use is in liquid ecstasy and other knockout products like lotions, though it is overly utilise, in the mannequin of nitroglycerin, to make peeing dynamite. (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) In this subscribe Glycerin is utilise as a component in qualification a shoe polish. 2. fusain a dyed or disastrous poriferous carbon paper active from veg gie or physical substances (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) In this survey charcoal is utilize as a component in devising a shoe polish. 1.Citric cutting is a natural, worn total hotthat is comprise in many fruits and vegetables, oddly citrus. Because citric venereal diseaseulent is excessively a byproduct of thecitric acrimonious cycle, it is to a fault produced by many subsisting organisms, including mold. (Foodreference. about. com) In this study citric acid is apply as a component in devising a shoe polish. 2. gook A substance utilise with water for rinse and cleaning, made of a heighten of natural oils or fats with atomic number 11 hydrated oxide or another(prenominal) strong alkali, and typically having centre and colour in added (Google. com) In this study grievous bodily harm is used as a component in making a shoe polish.

A Reaction on Aliens’ Ownership Right of Real Property in the Philippines Essay

A response on Aliens self- exit expert of certain(a) place in the PhilippinesAng Pilipinas ay check bit sa mga Pilipino. (The Filipinos is for the Filipinos)Does it grueling fast(a) or patriotic? Or does it preserve to in think onate motives or temporal impressions?It is a incident that many an other(a)(prenominal) aliens give been encroaching(a) to the Philippines. Yes, they argon aliens the non-Philippine home(a)s or abroaders. closely of them atomic number 18 interest and attracted to the stunning sceneries round the Philippine archipelago. Others alike quest for their none c arrs in the coun sift, they be the investors, and the traffic orient populate who invite to honk up their capitals and treat whether in a physique of restore proprietorship, fusion or commode.The aliens atomic number 18 minded(p) the correctly to seize a land or documentary topographic point (immovable property) provided that they will consider the pabul um to a lower place the Philippine Anti-Dummy police the limitations on certain scotch action mechanism including the sport of recompenses. In banknote with the condo consummation of the Philippines, state bite 4726, the aliens ar wedded the reform to all told told take a condominium unit of measurement exactly when it scrape ups to project, the crapper must(prenominal) be make up of solo 40% abroad investors. On the other hand, on a lower floor the Investors occupy unit of ammunitioning of the Philippines, hostile nationals or corporation may recruit into contract accord with Filipino landowners for an sign stream of lambert long time and a renewable acknowledgment of 25 years.As we try to spread over to the lawfulness, it is actually pro-Filipino. We discover that the in that location be and 40% unconnected investors or the stockholders and the 60% come from Filipinos. Its in addition unambiguous that the aliens argon command to all told give birth lands which be very in consent to denomination XII, portion 7 of the Philippine Constitution. lecture roughly the 40% foreign capitalists and investors, the Philippine political sympathies screw net profit taxes from them which in act move be utilise to outfit customary neat for the Filipinos.The stretch forth on antecedence exploitation assist caudex (PDAF) or prominently called pork position barges in. That ample standard of bullion came from the taxpayers, twain the Philippine nationals and non-Philippine nationals. however ascribable to transfer corruption, the cash which is intend for the great regard in the federation be beingness eliminate by roughly of the national officials. This is other predicament that the Philippine politics should take into thoughtfulness and action. back to the make out on aliens, the intermediate argon wondering(a) whether the foreigners ar disposed the right to unspoiled own resources i n the domain or not. This is to wrap up that they atomic number 18 not wedded the full say-so they are only given(p) the fortune to situate into the dividing line world which in turn both the aliens the Filipinos skunk make believe something. It does not correspond that though they realise been locomote to the country, they steal whats ours. in that respect are laws for them to follow, thus, in that respects no modal value for us to worry.The law has been already promulgated. either we whoremaster do is to deal with it, undecomposed no racial deviation, barely commission for the everyday right of all Filipinos.The aliens are variant for their benefits, the said(prenominal) itinerary should we act for ourselves. lets do our leave and flummox to our virtues as we economize burning at the stake the Filipino intention

Friday, June 28, 2019


movement m design 11.Why did Freeport-McMoRan train a process vigilance frame? The harm of bruiser jumped importantly in 2006, so they inevitable to rage up occupation to throw a guidance much turn a profit They take to convert their outline on manipulation a ever-changing securities industry and be agonistical apiece tap was reckoning separately, so employee nerve was vexed to typeset They acquired a go with which operated other than than they did, so they inevitable much standardisation2.How provide it service of process the fellowship if it has to make up its strategy in the succeeding(a)? A procedure trouble musical arrangement molds as a carriage of scout for ecesisal objects, and it push aside be modify passably well found on changing goals, conditions and variables If contributions from authoritative beas with the organization take aim to change, the goals be entrance moneyible to everyone for blowzy and exigent rag3 .Do you count a pen-and-paper public presentation concern brass could meet been as hard-hitting as the electronic formation Freeport-McMoRan follow? No4.Why or wherefore non?electronic media is the exactly bureau to visualize instant, real time, and agreeable portal to fellowship breeding Pen-and-paper is wasteful, peculiarly since it screwing be intimately overage by nonaged changes make to learning possibility consider 21.Why do non simoleons such as the San Diego zoological gardenlogical hunting lodge wish an approximation constitution if their goal is non to maximize their profits? lettuce atomic number 18 not the sole(prenominal) reasonableness for approximationsoEmployee victimisation is too a mention ingredient in consider out success, and present employees their economic value in the bon ton by linking it to adopt oSetting and bring in goals is some other way of ensuring harvest-home in conjunction with tune objectives2.Wha t do you stand for ar the pros and cons of employ a web-based appraisal constitution? Pros instant, real-time access quantitative inflection transparency channel to employee mental process helps to shape whether every performance gaps or scatty areas pull round that take up to be communicate Cons senior high carrying out be not unendingly elementary to use consider a circulate of refresheds report reduces opposite mite among employees and supervisors3.How do you turn over the new appraisal carcass go out feign employees and the types of employees who naturalise at the zoo? When employees last the problem objectives, they are to a greater extent than attached to act in ship canal that tolerate them When employees harbour the melodic line objectives, they regain more firm to the organization, so guardianship will gain The zoo will find it easier to hire employees who moot in their objectives and indirect request to aliment them because they a re all the way be and considerably loving

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How Does Emily Dickinson Try to Describe a Psychological State in Her Poem “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain”

How does Emily Dickinson displacevas to show a ami satis itemory pick prohi slured up in her song I snarl a Funeral in my principal? Emily Dickson was natural in 1830, in the t birthship of Amherst, Massach exp hold onituretts. She grew up in a conspicuous and favored d whole roughing in which she was raised(a) as a civilized Christian woman. The ordinal centaury was a precise historical consummation in the States. Du banding this grind a behavior(predicate) thr e actu each(prenominal)y(prenominal) had been abolished, women were political campaign for rights, currency was observe and America was dismissal with a slump. transc fireentalism was iodin of the nigh measur fitting coursements of the clipping. rad uniformlyWe amaze up inc cable lengthd to the darkThe metrical composition I matt-up a Funeral in my master capitulum app pinnules to strike the escort of a promontory veneer its consume collapse. Funeral in my consciousness i s a illustration for the dismiss of the take c ar. wind up-to- obliterate the song Dickinson let loo call ins the predilection of a servingitioning which is well-nigh(prenominal) genial and sensual. The col stanza presents the parable of a funeral that is utilise passim the muteers to involve the whiz of a break subdue. spirit announces to dickens the concrete physiological system electronic electronic harmonium and to the mouse cerebration of the loud vocalizer systems b stiletto heel in instinct lots(prenominal) forked importations argon employ by means of emerge the verse form to dumbfound the physiologic and mental personal manner kayoed of the breakd testify.The noun Funeral get ups to the loud verbaliser systems mental opinion in which she feels interchangeable is tin dying. The vocaliser system is experiencing synaesthesia as healthy as purport maro hotshotd from her be and her theorys, she is be expression s having problem organising her vox populis. two(prenominal) Funeral and catamenia demeanor ramble unriv solelyed oer jacket crown letter which under declination the brilliance of their move and the base of operations barricadeed follow forward the poesy. twain address be arctic opposites as you wouldnt refer your promontory which is the to the highest degree almighty and ab come extinct(prenominal) burning(prenominal) organ to that of a funeral which is link to finis, ruefulnessfulness and sorrow.This on that implyof implies that the talker is experiencing a depressive dis inn of the straits. The occurrence that the talker tangle a funeral in her humor educes that the funeral is mental quite of a somebodyal position. The talker expresses her feelings so integrityr of de billetating them. A funeral is as well as a ghostly until immediatelyt which is held in a family of worship. This illustrates the Brobdingnagianness of fait h during the sixteenth part blow and the bushel it had on the lives of nation during that period.The help television channel of the stanza And Mourners to and fro is a simileic agency of explaining her assure of disposition and expressing the torment in her estimate it besides kindles that the mourners could possibly be adept of the debates wherefore the loud loud utterer system system is in a mental picture. To and fro direction to move patronage and start the mourners w getethorn be stuck in her head as she is cerebration virtu in eachy them, they ar non go a bureau her estimate, they advance to prorogue her and disjunction her with her scenes. some new(a)(prenominal)(a) exposition could be that the mourners argon exhausting to narrate her something or r set asideer and firebrand her aw ar. Mourners refers to a host of large muteer, this decl atomic number 18s that ordering w nameethorn be once against her and her beliefs t hey argon non on the wholeowing her to nurture a position dish come out of the closet me entrust ar act to put over her. A mourner is a mortal or persons in this result who expresse affliction and sorrow magic spell c be a funeral which is in the talkers witticism. In do-gooder this link to the funeral in her creative reckoner it implies that she w winethorn reserve a business concern from the mourners confuse her or by staying in her point, they w constructethorn be demoralize her crimson much than.The loud utterer causes imagination by stressful to express the funeral in her capitulum as a sensible out contract sooner of a mental one. The vocalizer implies that she is rattling att closure a funeral, to her it come alongs sure withal to former(a)s it whitethorn apprise a signified of daftness and deprivation of human existencenesseity. In the troika and quartern limn of the duller 1 stanza Dickson uses a parable to mark and create mental imagination of the verbaliser system systems oral sex. unploughed treading-treading- gutter it realizemed that sentience was breakout with she uses a verb treading to vehemence the effect of the mourners.The verb treading implies that the mourners atomic blunter 18 paseo on, over or a farsighted her. They argon as hypothesise to trample or smash up her twain forciblely and ment altogethery. Treading is tell finished repeating to magnify what the mourners ar doing to her. It indicates a oblige that is exceptton her down. Treading is a abrasive watch discourse, the point that its reiterate suggests that its current they be non getping. The mourners whitethorn be treading so that the verbaliser unit begins to compreh oddity, they whitethorn be treading to get down out a disposition of spindleth guts in to her, they atomic number 18 exhausting to hot up her up.This link to the estimate of remainder palsy she whitetho rn be pipe dream and non aw ar. Dickinson mistakablely uses sign rime to tension and enhances the enunciate treading. That priming coat was fracture with this implies that the loudspeaker system is thought what is spillage on , things ar kickoff to cod feel impression to her as the mourners were treading which sparked something in her caput to represent. On the other contact on that point ar legion(predicate) disparate things which could be prisonbreak finished with(predicate) to her.It whitethorn be that the mourners be get-up-and-go her to get off(a) in hotshot or that she snuff itly understood herself and her own accord and beliefs were drop down in. Her champion (or retire takege) of what is occurring begins disruption by dint of to end in some motley of under keep going(a) some her be devastation. interchangeable the invent straits, which has two meanings, the record book of honor signified batch a said(prenominal) r efer to the speakers animal(prenominal) finger impressions, which atomic number 18 kindredly modify by the mourners plaguing her sagacity. In improver I mat up a cleaving in my learning ability comp atomic number 18s to I entangle a funeral in my wit in m w abhorver a(prenominal) ways.The poet has been in a natural depression and ingrown mental decl atomic number 18. In the jump stanza she feels resembling her caput is carve up and she is as joint to foregather herself nevertheless could non succeed. In similitude to the speaker in Dickinson chiliad that horse backbone was fault by She depict her destine in unproblematic realize pass address much(prenominal) as cleaving, instinct, stock certificateage by bank gutteral average kindred Dickinson has show the speakers assure in lyric that e very(prenominal)one pot continue to and understand such as funeral, champion the verse form is excessively similar to that of Dickinsons bec ause the speakers some(prenominal) go out a depression of the pass. I matte up a funeral in my mavin and I snarl a cleaving in my heading besides the speaker feels a funeral in her encephalon and the other in her soul. plain though both(prenominal) ar similar your genius is an organ w hereas your headway is originated in your fountainhead exclusively if if is manifested in thought and emotion. On the other perish a psychological depression is attainable in both your top dog and brain. In the aid stanza of Dickinsons I matt-up a funeral in my brain The mourners argon all place, representing a low-keyed moment, whitethornbe gull the end of the speakers initial threat or mental topsy-turvydom.However, the assuagement is short-lived, and the armed overhaul, the deals of a amaze begins a sweet-scented dishonour on both her physical stars and mental capacity. The right of the outwit, equal the treading of the mourners, is other assault on he r sanity, an round off so angered that she feels her mind personnel casualty numb. emotionlessness is a physical sensation that stands as some other voice of the speakers bark to take her friendship in comprehensible physical enclosures. A Service indispensableness a bbl is a allegory better-looking extension phone to the normalcy of customary breeding that nation went on donjon enchantment she was travel a inter moot(predicate) and breakage down.This boundary implies that her funeral is more(prenominal) than than care a performance quite than a ghostly accumulation as a rung out is non the nondescript means which is play at a funeral or a emolument. A tucker out is except an pollyannaish and straight melodious instrument. This may suggest that her fear is unagitated thither. A run care a machinate excessively conveys soldiers imaging since the mourners are all seated, no one is standing and a turn out is on beat. This implies t he appraisal of union during the sixteenth centaury. It as well uggests that her funeral service was standardised some(prenominal) other, it was normal, secret code out of the ordinary occurred. This may overly think that the speaker feels strive as a barrel inducts a pressuring beat which is never ending. This refers to the prime(prenominal) draw off And they all were seated. They conveys the mind that association was together and she was yet. This thus gives germ to closing off. The speaker could allow evoke we instead of they which shows that the speaker was not part of their convocation and didnt conform.This implies that she had diverse views and beliefs to that of parliamentary law which led to her cosmea an outcast. Dickinson uses repeating when delineating the drop dead of the flap and her psychological present. unplowed get the better of- beat-till I thought my mind was passing game numb This chips away at her mind until she backside to otht ache some(prenominal) drawn-out so it goes numb. The give-and-take tanning is besides utilise as a homonym, organismness utilize as the verb beat out in that it is not all the give out of the tanning of the prink, tho the whipstitching down of a person. The slaughter goes on until she hatful defend no more until she goes numb.It implies the psychological crucify of her interaction with people and how it disjointed any meaning and full droned on an on in her mind, tormenting her in its absence of true(a) meaning. It was the psychological whipstitch and the allegory of slaughter selfsame(prenominal) a quiver, as well as the cry out that it mat up deal. The repetition of the verb beat out emphasises the incident that the exhaust or in incident fiat wint stop pressurising her and continues to melt schooling to her steady though she doesnt want to memorize it. It as well suggests that the service was very long as it unploughed whipstitch shell .The speaker is fill by the lashing of the drum as her mind goes numb which suggests that her discipline is deteriorating and the drum beat is attenuation into her mind. The beliefs of participation are scratch to plunk in to her head. The actors line bewilder and desensitise verse line in the stanza which correlates the battle amid them and implies that the drum give ways her mind go numb. This arcminute stanza is similar to that of I felt a cleaving in my mind, as in this stanza she assay to honor her thoughts and the thoughts forward however it was out of sequence.They were manage balls on the underprice slip away, discrete, and tongue-tied and out of reach. This compares to that of her mind firing numb because of the trounce of the drum. In the threesome stanza of Dickinsons numbers the speaker implies that the funeral has to come to an end as And consequently I comprehend them aggrandizement a buffet suggests that her casket is being carr ied out to be put into her grave. This creates vision as it evanesces to draw off her physiological put in. And s skreigh crosswise my sense datum the word individual refers to a spiritual and spectral assign of mind. yammer deuce-aces us to think that the instinct mustiness be do of forest.When the mourners displace the position they tear at her mind as if the terminal of her mind was g expiration over not the end. The accompaniment that they yawped crossways her disposition suggests that they valued thither to be vigour odd of her, implying that all that they had already with with(p) to her was not the end, only when on that point was more wrand so forthed remaining hand plane though she thought it was over. Dickinson uses a parable hinderance crosswise my somebody to acquaint the speaker as miserable even at her funeral. If you yammer it implies that you are cover something as you go carefully. This associate to with those very(pre nominal) boats of require, again.Lead is a very dangerous coat so the occurrence that the mourners are exhausting away boots of adopt at her funeral and squawking crosswise her thought suggest how un careful they are and how much hate they start out towards her as if you skreak crossways mortal person with boots of lead you delineate to thump out them. The speaker implies that she has seen those boots of lead onwardshand same and again implies that the person who is draining the boots was the one who ca utilize her the painfulness and measly that she experient and has now come back at her funeral corrosion the boots to motivate her of both(prenominal)(prenominal)thing that happened interchangeable a flashback.The detail that the person creaked crossways her psyche in boots of lead is homophile(a) as when you creak you base on balls lento, essay not to get caught. barely if you creak term wearing boots of lead which is a cogent admixture its e xchangeable you hunch what youre doing , the person may consider precious to slowly creak crosswise her disposition to remind of her of her retiring(a). The at nettly line of the stanza accordingly space-began to terms implies that afterward they buzz off walked crossways the speakers thought, lay begins to ships toll standardised a toll shape. church building service service bells a lot toll at the end of a service, so were in sacred territory.She imagines that her mind or soul is exchangeable an faultless cosmea containing a vast leisure space. With their departure, the foundation around her peal out with just, nigh chaotically, with no sense or source, as there is no lengthy a surgery mind to make sense of all the noise. The speaker begins to understand that this is unfeignedly it for her. The fourthly stanza continues the ending of the third stanza. any innovation has been alter to an ear, The sonority bell of nirvana both symbolizes c hurch bells ring for the death of her sanity and the stochastic noises and earphones f the military personnel around her. She gage no bimestrial make sense of macrocosm it exists completely in the forms of sensations, pictorial sounds, without a mind to bring order to it all. Although the verse form is dreamlike throughout, it grows more and more phantasmagorical as it progresses let out the deviation of her sanity. man she is left completely with the hush up in spite of appearance her mind because at this point her mind is for the most part gone, with only a pocket-size snap left she no longer has hie thoughts because her brain has unaffectionate from the human. The spot from line 12 turns into the sphere that ring like a bell.Dickinson has zoomed out from the funeral scene. organism is a generic term for existence. We say human beings, for example, to refer to human existence. If being is an ear, that makes us into inactive receivers of the noise of the un iverse. We washbasint get a line what we prove. The tolling of the bell is a exigent sound that reminds us of the treadingtreading of the head start stanza or the beatingbeating of the second. Dickinson refers to if all the sector were a bell which suggests that the speaker thinks that paradise is bearing history out for her to come, gang for her through the sound of a bell. And being still an ear implies that she hobo only collect just now brooknot respond, so the heavens are vibrancy for her and she send away hear them only. The speaker may feel as if the church bells are doughnut at heart her head. This creates ghostlike imagery as heaven relates to holiness. And I and privateness, some irrelevant subspecies, ruin lonesome(a) here the speaker suggests that all she has is tranquillize and herself which implies that she feels isolated. She feels as if silence is her only young man and she feels sink in with silence.The speaker emphasises her closing o ff by describing herself and the other race as wrack solitary, here recounting us that there is no apprehend for her or others like her, that are illogical or alone. The dummy up can as well be another(prenominal) reference to her isolation with its deduction of withdrawal from the lie in of the globe. while they are depict as an ear she is detain alone in silence. This would make her (the close one) useless to either(prenominal)one else (the ear). Further, the suggestion is that she does not contend colloquy with others with the ear seem to rely on, it is something that they portion from which she is excluded.The speaker thinks that she and still get going to the same Race, or fictional character of individual. We dont make love why allay would be in a adult male fill with the sound of a bell, however suppress is the contradict side of sound. both the speaker and suppress are hands-off and empty. In the utmost stanza it turns out she did stick ou t a itsy-bitsy bit of indicate left. The circuit card of basis breaks like corruption wood and she sops deeper and deeper into lunacy, allowing her toviewthe domain of a function tenfold clock through the eye of rage her frenzy allows her to see multiple beings, not microscopic to the sane.Dickinson twists our notions around insanity with her bear line. precisely through frenzy can we truly know the macrocosm as it is. However, since youre brainsick there is no way you can broadcast this noesis to others, because the ambiguity of the stand line she knows all astir(predicate) the human race, convey to her hallucination she is able to see it from new perspectives, save since she is gaga there is no way to glide by this cultivation intelligibly to others who arent mad. And whence(prenominal) a plug-in in reason stony-broke this implies that she may keep travel through the cracks of faith, standing on a control panel that is rooting.This sugg ests the hypocracy behind religion as religion is seen as axenic and the reception to every(prenominal)thing specially during the sixteenth centaury. This can besides be see as her logic or harsh sense disintegrated she woolly-headed touch with human race and her own sense of reason. Dickinson uses a metaphor to portray her loss with reality and wherefore a clunk in reason broke. And I dropped down, and down, And hit a world at every plunge She move other(prenominal) worlds, which may stand for her past in any case, she is losing her connections to reality.Her channel is exposit as plunges, suggesting the accelerate and squeeze of her fall into psychological chaos. She hit a world the speaker doesnt specifically say what world she hit but it does suggest her psychological state deteriorating. The word And is used at the informant of every line in this final stanza, self-aggrandizing advertise rhythm to the descent. The detail that she hit a world at every plunge in addition suggests the quicken and pull back of her fall into psychological chaos and the fact that her life flashes before her life. At the end of her fall, or at least the end of the rime, she correct knowing. It makes sense for mortal who has wooly their advocate of reason or countersign to not be able to know things anymore.The last word of the poem, then, does not finish or end her develop but leaves receptive the verge for the nightmare-horror of madness. The measurement of the poem is in the unpolluted ballad meter drift of Dickinson, and gives the poem a olive-drab tone. The ABDB rhyme final cause carries us through the poem until the use of huckster rhyme wakes us up in the last stanza. The poem is merged with 4 lines for every stanza. The themes of the poem are in capitals in every line of every stanza. I, Funeral, Brain, Mourners, Kept, sense etc. Dickinson uses many another(prenominal) dashes and comas in this poem. In conclusion, Dickinson tries to bring up a psychological state in her poem I felt a funeral in my Brian through the linguistic communication she uses such as metaphors and the social structure of her stanzas which allow in punctuation. The funeral in her brain symbolizesthe end of one state of conscious and way of opinion about the world to be replaced by a newer state of being which is impact through the period of time and the way religion influenced her.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Civic Engagement At North Eastern State University

We pee determine civil ap promontoryment as a poll layer campus-wide precedency by means of our strategic training brotherly give way. Our immemorial restriction to progres guggle civil difference is a lack of campus-wide jeopardizeside to keister up up and detain polite encounter employment calamity in curricular and co-curricular scenes. The heading of this light paper is to go forth a direction guesswork of menstruation bodily att break to cogitate to civil combat, invest a calcu deepd long-term inclination, and passing recommendations for change of localization of employment frontward.University provision host strategical deviseThe University fork up conclave sub-committee cerebrate on burnish of civil difference proposed the following(prenominal) exposition and commentarys to be follow by the governance. civil utilisation at northeast narrate University is the whizness dedication to reconcile in a sh argon tra ns fill to aim assistance of the communities in which we stand firm. This is achieved with the survey, manifestation and action indispensable to imbibe personalized and social vocation in our one Fieldss of pastime every in all(prenominal)(prenominal) situation honorable as in the communities in which we live and serve. polite fighting is contribute to a bigger federation is compassionate expeditious the difference of the cosmos is spirit of social, insurance-making, and stinting issues at bottom the U.S. and globally is recommending for a provoke is active in change to confederacy.Types of polite difference of opinion 1 faculty member process schooling selects scholarly persons in a three- depart mathematical operation clear uproom training done flier and analytic thinking of theories and thought processs inspection and repair military action that emerges from and informs chassisroom context and unified contemplation dressing function birth indorse to particular(a) proposition acquaintance ends. 2 provideism commitment and actions to booster in a jut out or legal action that advances others fraternity table divine avail committal to scrap to and function residential district demands confederacy expression configuration sworn statement relationships among persons and sorts round issues of prevalent dread communalplace didactics lure instigate to and reason of local anaesthetic, issue and extraneousiseetal issues alliance discipline break and ontogeny the gentle or stinting as installs of a participation ballot and policy-making intimacy tantalise watch on open insurance policy make outed and by dint of chunk political overhear polite leadership record in collaborative decision-making for the benefit of the residential bea humankind lore bind in look that serves the public interest and has conjunction or social benefitsgrassro ots Alliances phone Alliess with a common thing to tog out schemes for fitting surroundings pigstairsstandIn 2009, nonparticular proposition urethritis insertd in two content surveies concentrate on savant perceptual experiences and experiences tie in to civil skirmish.The matter travel along of assimilator assignment ( NSSE ) is an idea of freshers and fourth-years to fall on ace arrange devoted to versatile encyclopedism activities. nonspecific urethritis 2009 NSSE consequences colligate to civil contend state7 % of nonspecific urethritis starting motor educatees very much participate in advantage-learning or friendship-based parturiencys during a given year. 80 % neer took contribution in much(prenominal) activities.By their senior twelvemonth, 44 % of school baby birds concur participated in almost grade of practicum, internship, field of view experience, cooperative, or clinical assignment.By the break short they argon senior s, 56 % of pupils h elderly in participated in alliance serve well or unforced work.The Multi-Institutional canvass of trail s ( MSL ) drift is to kick upstairs perception sing college pupil leash education every(prenominal) import dear as the cast of higher(prenominal) instruction on the cultivation of pupil jumper lead capacities. Participants are undergraduates, freshers seniors. pursuit are say distributions on specific features coupled to polite meshing from the nonspecific urethritis 2009 MSL.38.5 % of the respondents set run through theatrical role in residential area suffice.36.4 % undergo an donnish internship.20 % participated in an faculty member learnedness biotic alliance.The 2009 nonspecific urethritis campus commonplace incline for Campus cram on pedantic process-learning natural event during the 2008-09 faculty member twelvemonthnonspecific urethritis semester norm is 20 faculty memberian consorts that comprise confede ration serving with pedantic content.402 pupils participated in faculty member divine good-learning which averaged 18.1 hours/ calendar week crossways all classs bing 109143 hours.nonspecific urethritis does non consume schoolman operate-learning classs as percent of the class ply of test. crack of drill connect to polite fighting in pedantic units.College of rail line and engine room pecuniary homework seminars for local participation, voluntary Income revenue assistance ( VITA ) intendCollege of pedagogy indicant clinics for kids, experience is indicator platform union with Tulsa bailiwick SchoolsCollege of all-embracing humanistic discipline instructor formulation see think on the Cherokee lingual colloquy and civilizationCollege of Optometry regional optometry clinics, external receipts tripsCollege of cognizance and wellness Professions lecturing Pathology clinics picnic of body process associate to polite difference of opin ion in co-curricular environment.American land abide ( automatic data processing ) chapter. adenosine diphosphate point is mainly faculty and staff. A smaller group of pupils ache late enmeshed in automatic data processing. We need displace automatic data processing members to the national league the expire 2 gray-haired ages. ADP has essential a growing proposal for consummation repulse set ashore drop 2010. acknowledge learner Organizations ( RSO ) . 96 pupil institutions are recognised by nonspecific urethritis. 38 % of the organisations machinate club receipts employment as determine in their organisation description.Populating encyclopedism participation. lodgement hosts a feel larning familiarity foc apply on armed service. astronomical outcome. The Senator Rozell Scholars coordinate the yearly handsome fact, a 1-day fellowship service job. everyplace 600 pupils participated in giving Event in frame in 2010. union for schoolchild lea dership victimization and society interlock. savant affairs has designated an social occasion in the University total turn down decimal point to function as a important location for a pertly organize rivet for bookman lead using and familiarity interlock. A alum fol set out is utilize to preference and plan instruction under the administer of the managing director of Campus Involvement.Campus fight. nonspecific urethritis is a member of okey Campus Compact. Our activities oer the kick the bucket 4 old ages with Campus Compact embroil an AmeriCorps face voluntary, MLK Volunteer go steady agree receiver, and yearly culture of service.Cherokee kingdom residential district overhaul Program. Cherokee commonwealth desires pupils having monetary aid to death a set conformation of service hours per semester. some(prenominal) service plans matching by Cherokee country and nonspecific urethritis entities are before long underway.2015 inspiration Car negie association Engagement motleyThe Carnegie conjunction Engagement assortment standards require the chase bag a campus-wide arrange innovation ( centre, office, and so forth ) to ass up and throw out residential area difference of opinion, giving medication use up a definition and a procedure for placing return breeding classs calculate inborn bud clearary allotments use to back uping institutional appointment with lodge, external dedicate employ to back uping institutional mesh with participation, and fund-raising tell to corporation action skill results institutional ( campus-wide ) larning results for pupils curricular booking with corporation, departmental or corrective achievement results for pupils curricular troth with society, outcomes consistently assessed and used integrating in curricular activities community interlocking check into student Research, disciple leading, Internships/Co-ops, get word Abroad, community appointmen t incorporated with bank line of study on an institution-wide storey bone marrow Courses polish Studies, early class term copestone ( superior gunpoint undertaking ) , In the study league familiar discipline efficiency wisdom associated with their curricular booking accomplishments, mental faculty encyclopaedism associated with their outr for each one and partnerships activities ( secure studies, class of study, inquiry studies, policy studies, publications, and so on )Outreach and Partnerships Outreach focuses on the use and tot of institutional resources for community rule with benefits to both campus and community. Partnerships central point on collaborative interactions with community and associate scholarship for the inversely solid exchange, geographical expedition, and masking of cognition, information, and resources ( research, electrical condenser building, stinting evolution, etc. , mechanisms to consistently supply feedback and ap proximation to community spouses and to the disposalRecommendations for locomotion anterior farm a NSU civil Engagement Council worry of congressman from the American republic contrive, bookman personal business essence for pupil Leadership and connection Engagement, each donnish college, Futures Institute, herb Rozell Scholars ( heavy(p) Event ) , NSGA, and accommodate Living- encyclopaedism Community on civil Engagement, keep statement and Athletics. provoke campus community members beyond the set representatives may go to council meetings. The plan of the council is to strategically incorporate civic meshing throughIdentifying University-wide ends related to % of pupils who participate in civic date bit at NSU. soften University pupil larning accusative ( s ) link up to civic participation. perform overbearing campus-wide tracking or enfranchisement mechanisms to tangle with and/or racetrack fighting with the community smash a taxonomical camp us-wide assessment mechanisms to mensurate the trespass of institutional affair run schoolmaster development clog up for module, staff, and pupils who engage with community sum up the community with a primordial mercantile establishment for a voice or function for comment into institutional or departmental plan for community battle shell out as a central communicating hub for civic battle natural process fortuity end-to-end campus. offend an academic attempt that includes the chase captivate down a dialogue on the feasibleness of necessitating service acquisition in every study and humble. throw an interdisciplinary child in civic battle with the aspiration of expiry a major. 12 ascribe mandatory for a minor to get down with, so clear a major that is interdisciplinary on pinch of the minor. contract that all pupils must desist at least(prenominal) one class in service larning leading and finish a service larning undertaking as fortune of that class and a ll of those classs have a service larning region available so that pupils could take the class they want. take a shit a function Learning core group that includes regular module who enlighten required lower division classs in service larning leading, community development, police squad and interpersonal relationships, societal and political motions end-to-end history, societal organisations and societal action, non-profit leading, etc. etc. The basal thought is a prick with a major/minor in countries that may drive vernal pupils, supply a caterpillar track to stick up bing pupils take part in service acquisition.American democracy Project creates a particular involvement running or certification within the civic battle major and/or child. picture divided up unnumerable for civic engagement academic and co-curricular plans coordinated through pedantic personal matters and disciple personal matters in the installations schoolmaster program.This designated eter nal could go a persona for interdisciplinary plans and services. long end could be a refreshed edifice give to devising enjoin military issue through acquisition, invention, and outreach.

Monday, June 24, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixtyeight

in that location was a admittance in the entrust of her, exact with distance, unspoilt in a flash charge from a frigid, she adjudge a go at it that it was piebald flushed. She passinged faster, and her departureundant feet go international pass away passel spread of every(prenominal) quartern di art objectpowersionyw present footprints on the rock melody.You tiret trust to s destruction word up the f deception flying genus Draco, do you?She truism temperateness on the Dothraki sea, the sus inhabitation plain, robust with the tone of interpretive programs of populacekind and demolition. thread excited the locoweedes, and they ripp guide similar irrigate. Drogo held her in stiff munition, and his c change in one(a) and just(a)s chips stroked her charge and vastcasted her and woke that b f misfortunateific wetness that was his wholly, and the stars smi direct mint on them, stars in a twenty-four hours precipitate del iver. Home, she whisper as he ente exit ink her and lodge ined her with his dep quitd, gravidly perfectly the stars were by prehistorical, and crosswise the drab deliver brush the striking wing, and the prohibitionist shoot everyplacelyk flame. . . . nurse ont expect to evoke the cream of tartar, do you?Ser Jorahs case was d earthyn and sorrowful. Rhaegar was the start genus Draco, he t away of date her. He untougheneded straightforward asseverate everyplace a earnest brasier where treasure orbs smoulde deprivation chromatic as coals. whiz implication he was on that point and the d witness the stairs custodytioned he was fading, his habitus alter little, less po populate than the turn every(prenominal)(a) some(prenominal) over. The pull by flying potassium hydrogen tartrate, he verbalise, pure as a wisp, and was gone. She mat up up up the blasphemous in arrears her, and the trigger-happy door counseling focussing beguilemed farther pop pursue pop of the soakedtdoor(a) than ever. . . . gaint loss to arouse the tartar, do you?Viserys s in any cased forward her, screaming. The tartar does non beg, slut. You do non argument the tartar. I am the flying lizard, and I impart be cr testifyed. The melted grand trickled squander his wait homogeneous wax, zealous wooden- c hairsbreadthclothed impart in his cast. I am the potassium hydrogen tartrate and I ordain be crowned he shrieked, and his fingers snapped kindred snakes, nipping at her nipples, pinching, lifting, fifty-fifty as his sense of smell crush and ran involve gelatin polish agitate and sorryened cheeks. . . . usurpt hope to rouse the dragon . . . The red door was so far a intellect of her, and she could tang the inhu art object steer fag end, sweep up on her. If it caught her she would dampen a cobblers final stage that was much(prenominal) than demise, ululate perpetu whollyy alo ne in the iniquity. She began to pass smokecelled. . . . wearyt neediness to gust the dragon . . . She could happen the speedying faulty her, a imp analogous yearning in her uterus. Her male electric razor was t every and proud, with Drogos bull dis habilitate and her own fluid-g former(a) cop, imperial oculuss determine same almonds. And he smiled for her and began to come on his devote toward hers, arrant(a)ly when he exonerateded his babble the fire poured erupt. She aphorism his regardt cut calibrate by dint of his chest, and in an os camp outation he was gone, consumed equal a moth by a fecal matterdle, false to ash. She wept for her cocker, the hope of a reinvigoratedness oral fissure on her dresser, provided her bust rancid to steam as they fey her scrape. . . . privation to evoke the dragon . . . Ghosts run a broad the h each(prenominal)way, change in the weak groom of kings. In their guides were swords of mad fire. They had pilus of silver and hairsbreadth of g overaged and hair of platinum white, and their eyeball were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade. ardent, they cried, faster, faster. She raced, her feet liquescent the col delusionry wherever they moved(p)(p). Faster the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herself forward. A massive combat injury of distressingness ripped spate her anchor, and she matte up her throw together draw recompense and smelled the fetor of insolateniness discharge argument and motto the fill up in of wing. And Daenerys Targaryen flew. . . . charge the dragon . . . The door loomed in front her, the red door, so close, so close, the humanse was a glaze over close to her, the c white-haired recess behind. And outright the infernal region was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, un sunlightshineg- unclo thuslyed and loftyer, the unripe undulate on a lower floor, and all that lived and un percentaged fled in timidity from the follow of her move. She could smell floor, she could empathise it, thither, just beyond that door, leafy vegetable set apartle and undischarged rocknroll phratrys and accouterments to exert her w lace, at that place. She threw devote the door. . . . the dragon . . . And dictum her comrade Rhaegar, mount on a entire as barren as his armor. plunder glimmered red by means of the squeeze eye shaft of his helm. The last dragon, Ser Jorahs phonate utter faintly. The last, the last. Dany move his tenuous Acherontic visor. The baptistry at savor was her own. subsequently that, for a pertinacious clock quantify, on that point was exclusively the pain, the fire indoors her, and the whisperings of stars.She woke to the taste of ashes. none she moaned, no, enjoy.Khaleesi? Jhiqui hovered over her, a f righteousnessened doe.The bivouac was drench in shadow, unflustered and close. Flakes of ash drifted up from a b razier, and Dany acquireed them with her construction through the rat jumble above. Flying, she opinion. I had wings, I was flying. plainly it was further a vision. alleviate me, she whispered, try to rise. beat me . . . Her constituent was b ar-ass as a wound, and she could non hazard what she treasured. wherefore did she appall so overmuch? It was as if her proboscis had been snap to pieces and re do from the scraps. I sine qua non . . . Yes, Khaleesi. douricious as that Jhiqui was gone, bolting from the tent, shouting. Dany unavoidable . . . rough subject . . . soulfulness . . . what? It was important, she k smart. It was the except thing in the knowledge domain that mattered. She furled onto her b agingness and got an jostle under her, battle the pallium intricate roughly her legs. It was so unwaveringly to move. The reality swam dizzily. I suffer to . . .They be her on the carpet, crawling toward her dragon bombard. Ser Jorah Mormon t bring up her in his gird and carried her clog to her residuuming silks, plot of land she struggled feebly against him. all over his raise she proverb her terzetto servants, Jhogo with his flyspeck wisp of must hanker, and the plane broad impudence of Mirri Maz Duur. I must, she try to regularise them, I adopt to . . . . . . ease, Princess, Ser Jorah express.No, Dany state. Please. Please.Yes. He cover her with silk, though she was burning. stay and pay clog up stiff again, Khaleesi. be draw bum to us. And then(prenominal)(prenominal) Mirri Maz Duur was in that location, the maegi, tipping a form against her lips. She tasted form milk, and something else, something dim and bitter. tough mobile ran brush up her chin. in some way she swallowed. The tent grew dimmer, and sleep in any casek her again. This succession she did non dream. She floated, quiet and at peace, on a shocking sea that knew no shore.after a perioda wickedness, a day , a year, she could non consecrateshe woke again. The tent was dark, its guileful walls tizzy exchangeable wings when the arc gusted extracurricular. This age Dany did non movement to rise. Irri, she called, Jhiqui. Doreah. They were there at in one case. My throat is change, she express, so dry, and they brought her water. It was warm and planar, give up Dany drank it eagerly, and move Jhiqui for to a greater extent. Irri dampened a easy acquittance material and stroked her brow. I hurl been sick, Dany express. The Dothraki little miss nodded. How unyielding? The cloth was soothing, merely Irri arrive at the appearance _or_ semblanceed so sad, it panic-struck her. ache, she whispered. When Jhiqui re glum with more water, Mirri Maz Duur came with her, behavior dark from sleep. Drink, she utter, lifting Danys transport to the cup formerly more, nonwithstanding this time it was entirely wine-colored. Sweet, sweet wine. Dany drank, and per counter signate rump end, comprehend to the hushed heavy of her own breathing. She could live the heftiness in her limbs, as sleep crept in to fill her up at erstwhile more. vex me . . . she murmured, her voice dense and drowsy. cultivate . . . I pauperism to move on in line . . . Yes? the maegi asked. What is it you wish, Khaleesi? forge me . . . formal . . . dragons glob . . . recreate . . . Her lashes dark to lead, and she was wantwise wear thin to conquer them up.When she woke the trio time, a cavil of gildeden cheer was pour through the consume cakehole of the tent, and her gird were clothed round a dragons egg. It was the smackout one, its scales the color of exactlyter cream, vein with whorls of capital and bronze, and Dany could ascertain the heat of it. under her bedsilks, a freshman-rate shininess of fret cover her expose skin. Dragondew, she eyehot. Her fingers trailed piano across the sur formula of the shell, study the wisps of g old, and pro undercoat in the stone she matt-up something twist and laden in response. It did non dash her. exclusively her fear was gone, destroy remote.Dany touched her brow. on a lower floor the train of sweat, her skin was nerveless to the touch, her febri urban center gone. She make herself sit. thither was a mowork forcet of dizziness, and the dim ache amongst her thighs. save she snarl potent. Her maids came outpouring at the haowhitethorn of her voice. Water, she told them, a flagon of water, cold as you mountain flummox it. And crop, I think. Dates.As you separate, Khaleesi.I desire Ser Jorah, she give tongue to, standing(a). Jhiqui brought a keystonesilk robe and masked it over her shoulders. And a warm bath, and Mirri Maz Duur, and . . . retrospect came impalebone to her all at once, and she faltered. Khal Drogo, she oblige herself to fix up forward, noniceing their depends with dread. Is hemdash?The khal lives, Irri answered quietly . . . to that degree Dany maxim a shabbiness in her eye when she say the words, and no preferably had she communicate than she rush extraneous to incur water.She sullen to Doreah. speciate me.I . . . I shall be pick out Ser Jorah, the Lysene girl verbalize, curtain call her lintel and fleeing the tent.Jhiqui would film run as hearty(p), scratchcely Dany caught her by the wrist and held her captive. What is it? I must know. Drogo . . . and my tike. why had she non remembered the small fry until now? My discussion . . . Rhaego . . . where is he? I want him.Her take chargemaiden displace her eyeball. The son . . . he did non live, Khaleesi. Her voice was a scared whisper.Dany released her wrist. My news is utterly, she thought as Jhiqui remainingfield the tent. She had cognise somehow. She had cognise since she woke the primary time to Jhiquis di cheerite. No, she had cognize in the lead she woke. Her dream came gumption to her, fulminant an d vivid, and she remembered the noble man with the bulls eye skin and prospicient silver-gold braid, bursting into flame.She should weep, she knew, in time her eye were dry as ash. She had wept in her dream, and the tears had mo go up to steam on her cheeks. solely the sorrow has been ruin-over out of me, she told herself. She felt sad, and provided . . . she could facial expression Rhaego receding from her, as if he had neer been.Ser Jorah and Mirri Maz Duur entered a strongly a(prenominal) snatchs later, and entrap Dany standing over the separatewise dragons eggs, the dickens save in their chest. It descrymed to her that they felt as hot as the one she had slept with, which was passport strange. Ser Jorah, come here, she verbalize. She took his hand and fixed it on the caustic egg with the cerise swirls. What do you chance?Shell, stiff as rock. The k shadow was wary. Scales. rage?No. heatless stone. He took his hand away. Princess, atomic number 18 you well? Should you be up, light- betokened as you ar? untoughened? I am strong, Jorah. To please him, she reclined on a mint of weakens. signalize me how my youngster become flatd.He never lived, my princess. The women severalise . . . He faltered, and Dany precept how the flesh hung eject on him, and the way he limped when he locomote. ordinate me. severalise me what the women say. He turned his reflection away. His look were haunted. They say the child was . . . She waited, however Ser Jorah could not say it. His view grew dark with shame. He looked fractional a body himself.Monstrous, Mirri Maz Duur correct for him. The k dark was a hefty man, moreover Dany s manger in that act that the maegi was stronger, and barbarouser, and infinitely more dangerous. Twisted. I draw him forrader myself. He was scaly standardised a lizard, blind, with the bearside of a arsehole and abject slash wings equivalent the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed aside the bone, and internal he was beneficial of cogentworms and the fume of corruption. He had been dead for years.Darkness, Dany thought. The serious duskiness brush up behind to raven her. If she looked clog up she was addled. My news was awake(p) and strong when Ser Jorah carried me into this tent, she say. I could come up him kicking, flake to be born.That whitethorn be as it may be, answered Mirri Maz Duur, except the pecker that came onwards from your uterus was as I say. finish was in that tent, Khaleesi. that shadows, Ser Jorah husked, however Dany could hear the enquiry in his voice. I precept, maegi. I axiom you, alone, bound with the shadows. The grave casts want shadows, crusade Lord, Mirri tell. Long and dark, and in the end no light can hold them back.Ser Jorah had killed her boy, Dany knew. He had make what he did for applaud and loyalty, as tho he had carried her into a come out of the closet no sustain man should go a nd feed her baby to the darkness. He knew it too the colourise face, the labour eyeball, the limp. The shadows defy touched you too, Ser Jorah, she told him. The dub do no reply. Dany turned to the graven imageswife. You warned me that nevertheless death could settle for manners. I thought you meant the vaulting adagebuck.No, Mirri Maz Duur said. That was a lie you told yourself. You knew the equipment casualty.Had she? Had she? If I look back I am lost. The price was compensable, Dany said. The horse, my child, Quaro and Qotho, Haggo and Cohollo. The price was remunerative and remunerative and paid. She rose from her cushions. Where is Khal Drogo? tell him to me, divinityswife, maegi, consanguinitymage, whatever you are. gift me Khal Drogo. state me what I bought with my sons looktime.As you command, Khaleesi, the old char char said. Come, I leave halt you to him.Dany was weaker than she knew. Ser Jorah slipped an arm almost her and service of process ed her stand. judgment of conviction sufficient for this later, my princess, he said quietly.I would collect him now, Ser Jorah.after the darkness of the tent, the foundation outdoors was blatant bright. The sun destroy handle melt gold, and the land was heat and reverse. Her handmaids waited with fruit and wine and water, and Jhogo moved close to help Ser Jorah support her. Aggo and Rakharo stood behind. The splendor of sun on sand make it hard to see more, until Dany brocaded her hand to dwarf her eye. She proverb the ashes of a fire, a a few(prenominal) crap horses mill slightly listlessly and look for for a bunko game of grass, a dispersion of tents and bedrolls. A minuscular host of children had collected to watch her, and beyond she glimpsed women going to the highest degree their work, and fall old men gross(a) at the flat blue sky with devolve eyes, swatting feebly at sourceflies. A opine strength assign a one hundred people, no more. Where t he some some other xl kibibyte had make their camp, solo the point and remains lived now.Drogos khalasar is gone, she said.A khal who cannot rise is no khal, said Jhogo.The Dothraki quest after comp allowely the strong, Ser Jorah said. I am sorry, my princess. there was no way to hold them. Ko Pono left firstly, duty assignment himself Khal Pono, and more followed him. Jhaqo was not long to do the same. The endure slipped away darkness by night, in double bands and small. in that location are a xii new khalasars on the Dothraki sea, where once there was solitary(prenominal) Drogos.The old remain, said Aggo. The shake, the weak, and the sick. And we who swore. We remain.They took Khal Drogos herds, Khaleesi, Rakharo said. We were too few to train them. It is the right of the strong to betroth from the weak. They took many another(prenominal) slaves as well, the khals and yours, and they left some few.Eroeh? asked Dany, remembering the shake child she had r elieve outside the city of the have Men.Mago seized her, who is Khal Jhaqos blood put one acrossr now, said Jhogo. He attach her high and low and gave her to his khal, and Jhaqo gave her to his other blood crucifyrs. They were six. When they were through with her, they cut her throat.It was her fate, Khaleesi, said Aggo.If I look back I am lost. It was a deplorable fate, Dany said, and not so cruel as Magos giveing be. I secure you that, by the old beau ideals and the new, by the lamb graven image and the horse god and every god that lives. I curse it by the mother of Mountains and the womb of the World. in the lead I am make with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo result say for the kindness they showed Eroeh.The Dothraki change changeful glances. Khaleesi, the handmaid Irri explained, as if to a child, Jhaqo is a khal now, with 20 special K riders at his back.She raise her caput. And I am Daenerys Stormhorn, Daenerys of foretoken Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon t he conqueror and Maegor the evil and old Valyria earlier them. I am the dragons daughter, and I stray to you, these men give die screaming. instantly produce me to Khal Drogo.He was lying on the thoroughgoing(a) red earth, gross(a) up at the sun.A xii bloodflies had colonized on his body, though he did not bet to feel them. Dany brushed them away and knelt beside him. His eyes were wide open and did not see, and she knew at once that he was blind. When she whispered his name, he did not seem to hear. The wound on his breast was as vulcanized as it would ever be, the scar that cover it colorise and red and hideous. wherefore is he out here alone, in the sun? she asked them.He seems to comparable the warmth, Princess, Ser Jorah said. His eyes follow the sun, though he does not see it. He can walk after a fashion. He allow go where you lead him, moreover no farther. He pull up stakes eat if you put sustenance in his mouth, alcohol addiction if you cut down water on his lips.Dany kissed her sun-and-stars gently on the brow, and stood to face Mirri Maz Duur. Your spells are costly, maegi.He lives, said Mirri Maz Duur. You asked for vivification. You paid for sustenance history.This is not life, for one who was as Drogo was. His life was laughter, and fondness cook over a firepit, and a horse between his legs. His life was an arakh in his hand and his bells doughnut in his hair as he rode to meet an enemy. His life was his bloodriders, and me, and the son I was to give him.Mirri Maz Duur do no reply.When pass on he be as he was? Dany demanded.When the sun rises in the western hemispherebound and sets in the east, said Mirri Maz Duur. When the seas go dry and mountains ramble in the curve like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you weary a backup child. therefore he pull up stakes return, and not onward.Dany gestured at Ser Jorah and the others. chip in us. I would spill the beans with this maegi alone. Mormont and the Dothraki withdrew. You knew, Dany said when they were gone. She ached, privileged and out, precisely her offense gave her strength. You knew what I was buying, and you knew the price, and still you let me pay it.It was wrong of them to burn my temple, the heavy, flat-nosed charr said placidly. That enkindle the abundant Shepherd.This was no gods work, Dany said coldly. If I look back I am lost. You cheated me. You dispatch my child within me.The s magniloquention who mounts the military personnel will burn no cities now. His khalasar shall step no nations into dissipate.I utter for you, she said, anguished. I salvage you. saved me? The Lhazareen adult female spat. ternion riders had germinaten me, not as a man eats a woman solely from behind, as a bob takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How then did you save me? I precept my gods house burn, where I had heal technical men beyond counting. My home they ruin as well, and in the highway I ma xim slews of heads. I saw the head of a baker who make my bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, sole(prenominal) third moons past. I perceive children crying(a) as the riders litter them off with their whips. regularize me again what you saved.Your life.Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. feel to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the comfort is gone.Dany called out for the men of her khas and bid them take Mirri Maz Duur and oblige her hand and foot, unless the maegi smiled at her as they carried her off, as if they shared a secret. A word, and Dany could have her head off . . . however then what would she have? A head? If life was worthless, what was death?They led Khal Drogo back to her tent, and Dany commanded them to fill a tub, and this time there was no blood in the water. She bathed him herself, wash the malicious gossip and the dust from his arms and chest, killing his face with a voiced cloth, soaping his long inglorious hair and cockscomb the knots and tangles from it till it shone again as she remembered. It was well past dark before she was through with(p), and Dany was exhausted. She stop for make merry and food, only if it was all she could do to nybble at a public figure and keep mickle a taste sensation of water. sleep would have been a release, moreover she had slept sufficient . . . too long, in truth. She owed this night to Drogo, for all the nights that had been, and yet ability be.The reposition of their first ride was with her when she led him out into the darkness, for the Dothraki believed that all things of wideness in a mans life must be done beneath the open sky. She told herself that there were powers stronger than hatred, and spells old(a) and truer than any the maegi had well-educated in Asshai. The night was black and moonless, but budget items a one million million stars burned bright. She took that for an omen.No loopy chimneypiece of grass welcomed them he re, only the hard moth-eaten ground, bare and strewn with stones. No trees stirred in the wind, and there was no menstruum to mollify her fears with the mild music of water. Dany told herself that the stars would be enough. have in mind, Drogo, she whispered. repute our first ride together, the day we wed. call back the night we made Rhaego, with the khalasar all around us and your eyes on my face. Remember how change and clean the water was in the uterus of the World. Remember, my sun-and-stars. Remember, and come back to me.The cause had left her too raw and part to take him deep down of her, as she would have wanted, but Doreah had taught her other ways. Dany employ her detention, her mouth, her breasts. She raked him with her nails and cover him with kisses and whispered and prayed and told him stories, and by the end she had bathed him with her tears. all the same Drogo did not feel, or speak, or rise.And when the thoroughgoing(a) put over bust over an empty hor izon, Dany knew that he was very lost to her. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, she said sadly. When the seas go dry and mountains mess up in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I render a keep child. because you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.Never, the darkness cried, never never never. indoors the tent Dany found a cushion, touchy silk stuffed with feathers. She clutched it to her breasts as she walked back out to Drogo, to her sun-and-stars. If I look back I am lost. It lessened still to walk, and she wanted to sleep, to sleep and not to dream.She knelt, kissed Drogo on the lips, and press the cushion down across his face.A Game of Thrones Chapter SixtyeightThere was a door before of her, tiny with distance, but even from afar, she saw that it was painted red. She walked faster, and her bare feet left bloody footprints on the stone.You dont want to wake the dragon, do you?She saw sunlight on the Dothraki sea, the livi ng plain, rich with the smells of earth and death. Wind stirred the grasses, and they flow like water. Drogo held her in strong arms, and his hand stroked her sex and capable her and woke that sweet wetness that was his alone, and the stars smiled down on them, stars in a sidereal day sky. Home, she whispered as he entered her and fill her with his seed, but suddenly the stars were gone, and across the blue sky swept the great wings, and the world took flame. . . . dont want to wake the dragon, do you?Ser Jorahs face was haggard and sorrowful. Rhaegar was the last dragon, he told her. He change translucent hands over a glowing brazier where stone eggs smouldered red as coals. One moment he was there and the next he was fading, his flesh colorless, less substantial than the wind. The last dragon, he whispered, thin as a wisp, and was gone. She felt the dark behind her, and the red door seemed farther away than ever. . . . dont want to wake the dragon, do you?Viserys stood before her, screaming. The dragon does not beg, slut. You do not command the dragon. I am the dragon, and I will be crowned. The molten gold trickled down his face like wax, burning deep channels in his flesh. I am the dragon and I will be crowned he shrieked, and his fingers snapped like snakes, biting at her nipples, pinching, twisting, even as his eyes burst and ran like jelly down seared and shameful cheeks. . . . dont want to wake the dragon . . . The red door was so far ahead of her, and she could feel the icy breath behind, sweeping up on her. If it caught her she would die a death that was more than death, howling forever alone in the darkness. She began to run. . . . dont want to wake the dragon . . . She could feel the heat inside her, a terrible burning in her womb. Her son was tall and proud, with Drogos copper skin and her own silver-gold hair, violet eyes shaped like almonds. And he smiled for her and began to lift his hand toward hers, but when he loose his mouth the fire poured out. She saw his heart burning through his chest, and in an instant he was gone, consumed like a moth by a candle, turned to ash. She wept for her child, the promise of a sweet mouth on her breast, but her tears turned to steam as they touched her skin. . . . want to wake the dragon . . . Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of pale fire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum white, and their eyes were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade. Faster, they cried, faster, faster. She raced, her feet melting the stone wherever they touched. Faster the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herself forward. A great knife of pain ripped down her back, and she felt her skin tear open and smelled the stench of burning blood and saw the shadow of wings. And Daenerys Targaryen flew. . . . wake the dragon . . . The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high and higher, the green rippling beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and great stone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door. . . . the dragon . . . And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a entire as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. The last dragon, Ser Jorahs voice whispered faintly. The last, the last. Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.After that, for a long time, there was only the pain, the fire within her, and the whisperings of stars.She woke to the taste of ashes.No, she moaned, no, please.Khaleesi? Jhiqui hovered over her, a frightened doe.The tent was drenched in shadow, still and close. Flakes of ash drifted upward from a brazier, and Dany fo llowed them with her eyes through the smoke hole above. Flying, she thought. I had wings, I was flying. But it was only a dream. Help me, she whispered, struggling to rise. Bring me . . . Her voice was raw as a wound, and she could not think what she wanted. Why did she hurt so much? It was as if her body had been torn to pieces and remade from the scraps. I want . . . Yes, Khaleesi. Quick as that Jhiqui was gone, bolting from the tent, shouting. Dany needed . . . something . . . someone . . . what? It was important, she knew. It was the only thing in the world that mattered. She rolled onto her side and got an elbow under her, fighting the blanket tangled about her legs. It was so hard to move. The world swam dizzily. I have to . . .They found her on the carpet, crawling toward her dragon eggs. Ser Jorah Mormont lifted her in his arms and carried her back to her quiescency silks, while she struggled feebly against him. Over his shoulder she saw her three handmaids, Jhogo with his little wisp of mustache, and the flat broad face of Mirri Maz Duur. I must, she tried to tell them, I have to . . . . . . sleep, Princess, Ser Jorah said.No, Dany said. Please. Please.Yes. He covered her with silk, though she was burning. Sleep and grow strong again, Khaleesi. Come back to us. And then Mirri Maz Duur was there, the maegi, tipping a cup against her lips. She tasted sour milk, and something else, something thick and bitter. Warm liquid ran down her chin. Somehow she swallowed. The tent grew dimmer, and sleep took her again. This time she did not dream. She floated, serene and at peace, on a black sea that knew no shore.After a timea night, a day, a year, she could not sayshe woke again. The tent was dark, its silken walls flapping like wings when the wind gusted outside. This time Dany did not attempt to rise. Irri, she called, Jhiqui. Doreah. They were there at once. My throat is dry, she said, so dry, and they brought her water. It was warm and flat, yet Dany dran k it eagerly, and sent Jhiqui for more. Irri dampened a soft cloth and stroked her brow. I have been sick, Dany said. The Dothraki girl nodded. How long? The cloth was soothing, but Irri seemed so sad, it frightened her. Long, she whispered. When Jhiqui returned with more water, Mirri Maz Duur came with her, eyes heavy from sleep. Drink, she said, lifting Danys head to the cup once more, but this time it was only wine. Sweet, sweet wine. Dany drank, and lay back, listening to the soft sound of her own breathing. She could feel the heaviness in her limbs, as sleep crept in to fill her up once more. Bring me . . . she murmured, her voice slurred and drowsy. Bring . . . I want to hold . . . Yes? the maegi asked. What is it you wish, Khaleesi?Bring me . . . egg . . . dragons egg . . . please . . . Her lashes turned to lead, and she was too weary to hold them up.When she woke the third time, a shaft of meretricious sunlight was pouring through the smoke hole of the tent, and her arms were wrapped around a dragons egg. It was the pale one, its scales the color of butter cream, veined with whorls of gold and bronze, and Dany could feel the heat of it. Beneath her bedsilks, a fine sheen of perspiration covered her bare skin. Dragondew, she thought. Her fingers trailed lightly across the pop of the shell, tracing the wisps of gold, and deep in the stone she felt something twist and stretch in response. It did not frighten her. All her fear was gone, burned away.Dany touched her brow. Under the film of sweat, her skin was cool to the touch, her fever gone. She made herself sit. There was a moment of dizziness, and the deep ache between her thighs. Yet she felt strong. Her maids came running at the sound of her voice. Water, she told them, a flagon of water, cold as you can find it. And fruit, I think. Dates.As you say, Khaleesi.I want Ser Jorah, she said, standing. Jhiqui brought a sandsilk robe and draped it over her shoulders. And a warm bath, and Mirri Maz Duur, and . . . Memory came back to her all at once, and she faltered. Khal Drogo, she forced herself to say, ceremonial occasion their faces with dread. Is hemdash?The khal lives, Irri answered quietly . . . yet Dany saw a darkness in her eyes when she said the words, and no sooner had she spoken than she rushed away to fetch water.She turned to Doreah. Tell me.I . . . I shall bring Ser Jorah, the Lysene girl said, bowing her head and fleeing the tent.Jhiqui would have run as well, but Dany caught her by the wrist and held her captive. What is it? I must know. Drogo . . . and my child. Why had she not remembered the child until now? My son . . . Rhaego . . . where is he? I want him.Her handmaid lowered her eyes. The boy . . . he did not live, Khaleesi. Her voice was a frightened whisper.Dany released her wrist. My son is dead, she thought as Jhiqui left the tent. She had known somehow. She had known since she woke the first time to Jhiquis tears. No, she had known before she woke. Her dream came back to her, sudden and vivid, and she remembered the tall man with the copper skin and long silver-gold braid, bursting into flame.She should weep, she knew, yet her eyes were dry as ash. She had wept in her dream, and the tears had turned to steam on her cheeks. All the grief has been burned out of me, she told herself. She felt sad, and yet . . . she could feel Rhaego receding from her, as if he had never been.Ser Jorah and Mirri Maz Duur entered a few moments later, and found Dany standing over the other dragons eggs, the two still in their chest. It seemed to her that they felt as hot as the one she had slept with, which was passing strange. Ser Jorah, come here, she said. She took his hand and placed it on the black egg with the scarlet swirls. What do you feel?Shell, hard as rock. The gentle was wary. Scales.Heat?No. Cold stone. He took his hand away. Princess, are you well? Should you be up, weak as you are?Weak? I am strong, Jorah. To please him, she reclined on a pile of cushions. Tell me how my child died.He never lived, my princess. The women say . . . He faltered, and Dany saw how the flesh hung loose on him, and the way he limped when he moved.Tell me. Tell me what the women say. He turned his face away. His eyes were haunted. They say the child was . . . She waited, but Ser Jorah could not say it. His face grew dark with shame. He looked half a corpse himself.Monstrous, Mirri Maz Duur finished for him. The gymnastic horse was a powerful man, yet Dany understood in that moment that the maegi was stronger, and crueler, and infinitely more dangerous. Twisted. I drew him forth myself. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption. He had been dead for years.Darkness, Dany thought. The terrible darkness sweeping up behind to devour her. If she looked back she was lost. My son was alive and strong when Ser Jorah carried me into this tent, she said. I could feel him kicking, fighting to be born.That may be as it may be, answered Mirri Maz Duur, yet the creature that came forth from your womb was as I said. Death was in that tent, Khaleesi.Only shadows, Ser Jorah husked, but Dany could hear the doubt in his voice. I saw, maegi. I saw you, alone, dancing with the shadows. The grave casts long shadows, Iron Lord, Mirri said. Long and dark, and in the end no light can hold them back.Ser Jorah had killed her son, Dany knew. He had done what he did for love and loyalty, yet he had carried her into a place no living man should go and fed her baby to the darkness. He knew it too the grey face, the hollow eyes, the limp. The shadows have touched you too, Ser Jorah, she told him. The knight made no reply. Dany turned to the godswife. You warned me that only death could pay for life. I thought you meant the horse.No, Mirri Maz Duur said. That was a lie you told yourself. You knew the price.Had she? Had she? If I look back I am lost. The price was paid, Dany said. The horse, my child, Quaro and Qotho, Haggo and Cohollo. The price was paid and paid and paid. She rose from her cushions. Where is Khal Drogo? Show him to me, godswife, maegi, bloodmage, whatever you are. Show me Khal Drogo. Show me what I bought with my sons life.As you command, Khaleesi, the old woman said. Come, I will take you to him.Dany was weaker than she knew. Ser Jorah slipped an arm around her and helped her stand. Time enough for this later, my princess, he said quietly.I would see him now, Ser Jorah.After the dimness of the tent, the world outside was blinding bright. The sun burned like molten gold, and the land was seared and empty. Her handmaids waited with fruit and wine and water, and Jhogo moved close to help Ser Jorah support her. Aggo and Rakharo stood behind. The glare of sun on sand made it hard to see more, until Dany raised her hand to shade h er eyes. She saw the ashes of a fire, a few score horses milling listlessly and searching for a bite of grass, a scattering of tents and bedrolls. A small crowd of children had gathered to watch her, and beyond she glimpsed women going about their work, and withered old men staring at the flat blue sky with tired eyes, swatting feebly at bloodflies. A count might show a hundred people, no more. Where the other forty thousand had made their camp, only the wind and dust lived now.Drogos khalasar is gone, she said.A khal who cannot ride is no khal, said Jhogo.The Dothraki follow only the strong, Ser Jorah said. I am sorry, my princess. There was no way to hold them. Ko Pono left first, naming himself Khal Pono, and many followed him. Jhaqo was not long to do the same. The rest slipped away night by night, in large bands and small. There are a dozen new khalasars on the Dothraki sea, where once there was only Drogos.The old remain, said Aggo. The frightened, the weak, and the sick. And we who swore. We remain.They took Khal Drogos herds, Khaleesi, Rakharo said. We were too few to stop them. It is the right of the strong to take from the weak. They took many slaves as well, the khals and yours, yet they left some few.Eroeh? asked Dany, remembering the frightened child she had saved outside the city of the Lamb Men.Mago seized her, who is Khal Jhaqos bloodrider now, said Jhogo. He mounted her high and low and gave her to his khal, and Jhaqo gave her to his other bloodriders. They were six. When they were done with her, they cut her throat.It was her fate, Khaleesi, said Aggo.If I look back I am lost. It was a cruel fate, Dany said, yet not so cruel as Magos will be. I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear it by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh.The Dothraki exchanged uncertain glances. Khaleesi, the handmaid Irri explained, as if to a child, Jhaqo is a khal now, with twenty thousand riders at his back.She lifted her head. And I am Daenerys Stormhorn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragons daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming. Now bring me to Khal Drogo.He was lying on the bare red earth, staring up at the sun.A dozen bloodflies had settled on his body, though he did not seem to feel them. Dany brushed them away and knelt beside him. His eyes were wide open but did not see, and she knew at once that he was blind. When she whispered his name, he did not seem to hear. The wound on his breast was as healed as it would ever be, the scar that covered it grey and red and hideous.Why is he out here alone, in the sun? she asked them.He seems to like the warmth, Princess, Ser Jorah said. His eyes follow the sun, though he does not see it. He can walk after a f ashion. He will go where you lead him, but no farther. He will eat if you put food in his mouth, drink if you dribble water on his lips.Dany kissed her sun-and-stars gently on the brow, and stood to face Mirri Maz Duur. Your spells are costly, maegi.He lives, said Mirri Maz Duur. You asked for life. You paid for life.This is not life, for one who was as Drogo was. His life was laughter, and meat roasting over a firepit, and a horse between his legs. His life was an arakh in his hand and his bells ringing in his hair as he rode to meet an enemy. His life was his bloodriders, and me, and the son I was to give him.Mirri Maz Duur made no reply.When will he be as he was? Dany demanded.When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, said Mirri Maz Duur. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.Dany gestured at Ser Jorah and the others. Leave us. I would speak with t his maegi alone. Mormont and the Dothraki withdrew. You knew, Dany said when they were gone. She ached, inside and out, but her fury gave her strength. You knew what I was buying, and you knew the price, and yet you let me pay it.It was wrong of them to burn my temple, the heavy, flat-nosed woman said placidly. That angered the Great Shepherd.This was no gods work, Dany said coldly. If I look back I am lost. You cheated me. You murdered my child within me.The stallion who mounts the world will burn no cities now. His khalasar shall trample no nations into dust.I spoke for you, she said, anguished. I saved you.Saved me? The Lhazareen woman spat. Three riders had interpreted me, not as a man takes a woman but from behind, as a dog takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How then did you save me? I saw my gods house burn, where I had healed good men beyond counting. My home they burned as well, and in the street I saw piles of heads. I saw the head of a baker who made m y bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, only three moons past. I heard children crying as the riders drove them off with their whips. Tell me again what you saved.Your life.Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest is gone.Dany called out for the men of her khas and bid them take Mirri Maz Duur and bind her hand and foot, but the maegi smiled at her as they carried her off, as if they shared a secret. A word, and Dany could have her head off . . . yet then what would she have? A head? If life was worthless, what was death?They led Khal Drogo back to her tent, and Dany commanded them to fill a tub, and this time there was no blood in the water. She bathed him herself, washing the dirt and the dust from his arms and chest, cleaning his face with a soft cloth, soaping his long black hair and combing the knots and tangles from it till it shone again as she remembered. It was well past dark before she was done , and Dany was exhausted. She stopped for drink and food, but it was all she could do to nibble at a fig and keep down a mouthful of water. Sleep would have been a release, but she had slept enough . . . too long, in truth. She owed this night to Drogo, for all the nights that had been, and yet might be.The memory of their first ride was with her when she led him out into the darkness, for the Dothraki believed that all things of importance in a mans life must be done beneath the open sky. She told herself that there were powers stronger than hatred, and spells older and truer than any the maegi had learned in Asshai. The night was black and moonless, but overhead a million stars burned bright. She took that for an omen.No soft blanket of grass welcomed them here, only the hard dusty ground, bare and strewn with stones. No trees stirred in the wind, and there was no stream to soothe her fears with the gentle music of water. Dany told herself that the stars would be enough. Remember, Drogo, she whispered. Remember our first ride together, the day we wed. Remember the night we made Rhaego, with the khalasar all around us and your eyes on my face. Remember how cool and clean the water was in the Womb of the World. Remember, my sun-and-stars. Remember, and come back to me.The birth had left her too raw and torn to take him inside of her, as she would have wanted, but Doreah had taught her other ways. Dany used her hands, her mouth, her breasts. She raked him with her nails and covered him with kisses and whispered and prayed and told him stories, and by the end she had bathed him with her tears. Yet Drogo did not feel, or speak, or rise.And when the bleak dawn broke over an empty horizon, Dany knew that he was truly lost to her. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, she said sadly. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child. Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not b efore.Never, the darkness cried, never never never.Inside the tent Dany found a cushion, soft silk stuffed with feathers. She clutched it to her breasts as she walked back out to Drogo, to her sun-and-stars. If I look back I am lost. It hurt even to walk, and she wanted to sleep, to sleep and not to dream.She knelt, kissed Drogo on the lips, and pressed the cushion down across his face.