Sunday, June 16, 2019

Issues in EU from Swedish perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in EU from Swedish perspective - Essay Example hence Sweden had brought about Skr, 2002-03 providing equal amount of opportunity in put together to formulate skills which are not stereotyped in gender terms. (Gender - Sensitive and women friendly prevalent policies -Sweden Analysis of Policy Context and Policies)During the presidency of the European junction, Sweden claims that top priority is given to gender equality and implemented the EU policy for greater equality between women and men. (Sweden carried EU gender equality work forward) Open Method of Co-ordination -- OMC has also been an important issue which is being promoted by the European Union and its execution of instrument is being significantly emphasized among the member nations. Due to the activities of the European Union, Sweden has brought about various reform processes focused on mobilizing the labor, re-modeling the social benefits as s vigorous as the pensions schemes. With regard to the employment aren a also, Sweden turned its efforts towards enhancing the work incentives for some of the groups in a number of ways in order to better the social partnerships at the national level and hence minimize the gender gaps in terms of employment and pay scales. In order to promote the European Union policies as good as to satisfy the particular forms of recommendations of the commission, Sweden depended on the national culture and traditions, yet leads to an active work-oriented approach. (European Policy Co-ordination and the OMC) As a measure of the economic join within Europe, an agreement which is called Treaty on European Union was being entered upon calling for the formation of economic and monetary union -- EMU as well as a common unit of exchange and also for the purpose of setting up the criterion for the level of participation in EMU. Thus, the European Union has created a common currency called as the Euro, firstly in the 12 member nations and further extended to other members also. Sweden delayed joining of the EMU along with the other member countries such as Britain, Denmark, as a result of the concern of the loss of national Sovereignty. Sweden is extremely open towards international trade, exports as well as imports amounting to two-thirds of GDP with half of the trade within the Euro-zone. Thus, Sweden believes that on joining the EMU, Swedens trade with the Euro-zone would rise to over fifty percent resulting in considerable foster to the Swedish output as well as welfare. (EMU and Swedish Trade)The basic underlying goal of the European Union with regard to the economic and social viscidness is being stated in the Treaty of Amsterdam. Within this treaty the community states its will in order to formulate and to carry forward the actions in order to strengthen the economic as well as social cohesion as an effort to promote the complete harmonious growth as well as minimize disparities among the various arenas of progress of the various regions. In the year 1995, Sweden had got a resolution being adopted unanimously for

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