Sunday, June 9, 2019

Solutions for Stay at home fathers and mothers from a marketing Essay

Solutions for Stay at home fathers and mothers from a marketing perspective - Essay Examplemost people belong conciliate at home mums and dads not out of their will but as victims of circumstances, they tend to become highly depressed and lonely with this new fashion of role. It is not surprising therefore that latest reports show high rates of cases of heart diseases (Watkins and Mohr, 2001). But as long as the cause of most cases of cheque at home fathers and mothers is as a result of economic factors, marketing philosophies, which are directly related to economics could be used to salvage the problem. deuce of these are discussed below.Support network is an important marketing perspective that can be used to address one of the issues commonly faced by bridle at home fathers and mothers, which is the problem of dilemma between traditional and untraditional gender stereotypes. Especially for ride out at home fathers who function in backgrounds where a great deal premium is pl aced on traditional roles of husbands and wives, they often become confused as to roles they have to take up and those they have to abandon as they stay at home. But should these people use the marketing strategy of support network, which deals with the setting up of connections and networks with people who are involved in similar trades, they would be presented with the opportunity of learning from one another, how they cope with their individual dilemmas and the eventual decisions they take to come out of these dilemmas. Then also, the support network can help them in learning new strategies of generally overcoming their weaknesses and threats and turning these into strengths and opportunities, just as it happens in SWOT analysis (Wheatley, 2007).Another marketing perspective from which these confused and isolated stay at home mothers and stay at home fathers can have solutions to their problem has to do with packaging. In marketing, packaging is often used to describe the long s uit through which the product is conveyed to the consumer (Flick, 2008). In the present circumstance, packaging can be used the

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